Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Denyse O'Leary Never Learns

Since first meeting Denyse O'Leary a few months ago, we've had several interactions where I attempted to explain why "Darwinism" is not an appropriate synonym for modern evolutionary biology. From time to time she actually seems to get it. She's even agreed to try and be more honest about referring to evolution instead of harping on "Darwinism" as the number one bogey man.

Alas, it didn't last long. Denyse has posted a long diatribe based on some unsubstantiated claim that a professional society is "hassling" a scientist who dares to question Darwin. She says,
Darwinism is their perpetually virgin theory that can never be impugned. Have you noticed how absolute are the claims they make for it? You’d have as much luck discussing science-related questions about Darwin’s theory with them as discussing Mary’s state of grace with Mickey and Ladislaw.
Once again, you're dead wrong Denyse. Lots of us question classic "Darwinism," as did Stephen Jay Gould, the former President of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS, a professional society). Modern evolutionary theory has moved well beyond what Darwin knew in the nineteenth century. Science is constantly changing—it does not rely on the literal reading of ancient texts. When will you ever learn?

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