Denyse O'Leary has friend named David Warren. Warren writes articles for newspapers and he and Denyse are friends because they both worship at the church of anti-Darwinism. Over on Post-Darwinist Denyse brags about the latest article written by her friend [ Another Toronto journalist takes swat at Darwinists (or Darwinoids)]. Note the title of the blog article. It's more of the same old, same old, "Darwinist" baiting. Turns out that 99.9% of the IDiot movement is about attacking evolution (their version) and 0.1% is about presenting evidence for intelligent design. (And even that tiny amount of evidence has been refuted or shown to be irrelevant.)
So what about David Warren? Is he any different—don't hold your breath. Here's the article that he wrote for some Canadian newspapers [Panspermianism]. The main point of the article is supposed to be that panspermia is ruled out because scientists have shown that DNA won't survive in outer space (*yawn*). But the real purpose of the article is to whine about the evil atheist materialists and how they are suppressing the IDiots.
Much of the “star chamber” atmosphere, that has accompanied the public invigilation of microbiologists such as Michael J. Behe, and other very qualified scientists working on questions of design in organisms and natural systems, can only be explained in this way. The establishment wants such research to be stopped, because it challenges the received religious order, of atheist materialism. Any attempt, or suspected attempt, to acknowledge God in scientific proceedings, must be exposed and punished to the limit of the law; or by other ruthless means where the law does not suffice.There's more, but you get the idea. The IDiot movement is scientifically bankrupt. They have no scientific evidence to back them up so the only thing they can do is lash out at their opponents. When is the last time you've seen an article from an IDiot that explains any evidence for the existence of an Intelligent Designer? That's right, hardly ever. Is there a reason why they don't support their case with real data? Yep, you bet there is. And that's exactly why they have to stoop to attacking "Darwinism" at every chance they get. They don't have any other option. Pathetic, isn't it?
[Image credit: The photograph is from one of my students, Zarna. That's her in the picture. She took it last December in India (Oh My God)]
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