De Gruyter: Papyrology
Literarische Texte der Berliner Papyrussammlung
Zur Neueröffnung des Ägyptischen Museums
[Literary Texts in the Berlin Papyrus Collection]Ed. by Reiter, Fabian
Series: Berliner Klassiker Texte 10Aims and Scope
In celebration of the reopening of the permanent exhibition of the Egyptian Museum and Papyrus Collection at the ‘Neues Museum,’ this volume presents editions of previously unpublished Greek and Latin literary texts of the Berlin papyrus collection. Numerous papyrologists from all over the world present both known and previously unknown literary and semi-literary texts of various genres and specialist fields.
Dokumentarische Texte der Berliner Papyrussammlung
Zur Neueröffnung des Ägyptischen Museums
[Documentary Texts in the Berlin Papyrus Collection]Ed. by Reiter, Fabian
Series: Berliner Griechische Urkunden 20
In celebration of the reopening of the permanent exhibition ofthe Egyptian Museum and Papyrus Collection at the ‘Neues Museum,’ this volume presents editions of previously unpublished Greek documents of the Berlin papyrus collection. Numerous papyrologists from all over the world provide valuable insights into the administration, everyday life and legal world of Graeco-Roman Egypt.
Tsantsanoglou, Kyriakos
Of Golden Manes and Silvery Faces
The Partheneion 1 of AlcmanSeries: Trends in Classics - Supplementary Volumes 16
Aims and Scope
Ever since the papyrus containing Alcman’s Partheneion was first published in 1863, classicists have been faced with one of the hardest riddles of their scholarship. Although the language was more or less clear, the meaning of many verses and the character of the poem remained elusive. Therefore it is not surprising that during the century and a half that has elapsed since then, a large bibliography has piled up, disproportionate to the mere 101 surviving verses of the enigmatic poem. This book presents a verse-by-verse commentary to the text with a number of new textual and interpretative proposals based on a detailed inspection of the papyrus. Numerous new readings are made in particular to the Scholia to the Partheneion, greatly elucidating not only questions of interpretation but also problems concerning the composition of the chorus, the number of its members, the identity of the protagonist girls, the social context, as well as questions of performance. The girlish story that lurks in the background but actually forms the framework of the poem now becomes more clear, revealing at the same time the didactic objective of the poet. A new edition of the Partheneion and the Scholia is offered at the end, together with a new translation of the poem.
Azzarello, Giuseppina
Il dossier della "domus divina" in Egitto
Con un contributo di T. M. Hickey
Series: Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete - Beihefte 32Aims and Scope
The private property of the imperial family (domus divina) is a subject of great importance for the study of the Byzantine Empire. A group of texts from the Oxyrhynchites proves to be a fruitful source for the reconstruction of previously uncertain aspects of the administration and extension of imperial domains. The volume presents for the first time the complete papyrological dossier of the domus divina in the area of Oxyrhynchus, and undertakes an analysis of the administrators’ tasks as well as an identification of the estates and their employees.
La proprietà privata della famiglia imperiale (domus divina) è un tema di particolare importanza per lo studio dell'impero bizantino. Un gruppo di testi, provenienti dalla regione dell'Oxyrhynchites si rivela un terreno privilegiato di ricerca per la ricostruzione di aspetti ancora oscuri della gestione e dell'espansione delle proprietà. Il volume propone per la prima volta il dossier papirologico della domus divina nella regione ossirinchita, l'analisi dei compiti degli amministratori, l'individuazione delle località di proprietà imperiale e dei loro lavoratori.
Poethke, Günter / Prignitz, Sebastian / Vaelske, Veit
Aktenbuch des Aurelios Philammon
Prozessberichte, Annona militaris und Magie in BGU IV 1024-1027
["File" of Aurelius Philammon. Reports of Proceedings, Annona militaris and Magic in Berlin Papyri BGU IV 1024-1027]
Series: Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete - Beihefte 34Aims and Scope
In 1904, with only the briefest commentary, Wilhelm Schubart published the text of the best-preserved Egyptian papyrus codex under the title Aus einem Aktenbuche (“From a File”). These papyri include reports of legal proceedings, receipts for provisions requisitioned for the Roman army, an official collection letter, and texts dealing with magic. While the pages containing lists were not included in the initial publication, they are included here with revised editions and commentary about all the texts, thus providing us with crucial insights regarding their interrelationships, and, in particular, about the author of the codex.
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