Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Archiv für Papyrusforschung

(APF) 59.1 (Nov. 2013)

Homeric papyri at Oslo, Harvard and Graz University
Mirończuk, Andrzej
Editions (transcription and commentary) of four papyri containing the Iliad of Homer: three unpublished from Oxyrhynchus, briefly described in P.Oxy. III 554 (XIX 251-9); P.Oxy. IV 760 (V 715-8, 720-9), now Graz Universität Ms. I 1911, I 1928; P.Oxy. IV 764 (VIII 109-23), now Harvard University Library MS. Gr. SM 4372; and a re-edition of P.Oslo inv. 1465 (I 411-37, 473-80). The dates range from the 1st to 3rd centuries CE.

A Homeric papyrus at Princeton
Mirończuk, Andrzej
Page 17
A critical edition (transcription and a commentary) of an early (1st century BCE) and unpublished papyrus of the Iliad of Homer (XIV 227-283), briefly described in P.Oxy. III 551 by Grenfell and Hunt. The papyrus is now lodged in Princeton (AM 4405).

BKT IX 10 = P.Berol. 21110r: Dorische Lyrik oder Tragödie?
Benelli, Luca
Page 29
BKT IX 10 = P.Berol. 21110r [MP3 1910.01; LDAB 4566] was published by Grace Ioannidou in 1996 and was attributed to Doric lyric. The form στεναξε[ (l. 11), however, is unusual for an Archaic lyric text, but not for tragic texts. It could therefore be a tragic text.

Nauplius at Troy: Aeschylus fr. 451k (Radt)

Sampson, C. Michael
Page 33
Reanalysis of a fragment of Aeschylus ascribed by Sommerstein to the prologue of Palamedes. It is suggested the fragment comes from the latter part of the play.

Nochmals zu Ἱππόλυτος πρῶτος und Ἱππόλυτος δεύτερος
Luppe, Wolfgang
Page 47
P.Oxy. LXVIII 4640 demonstrates definitively that the Ἱππόλυτος (κατα)καλυπτόμενος is the first of the two Ἱππόλυτος-tragedies.

Zum Komödien-Kommentar P.Oxy. LXXVIII 5160
Luppe, Wolfgang
Page 50

P.Oxy. LXXVII 5160 is a commentary to an Attic Comedy, probably Eupolis. The title may be Αἶγες.

P.Sal. Gr. 1: un symbolon di vendita all’asta di una schiavetta
Tepedino Guerra, Adele
Page 55
Dated to the second year of Ptolemy V Epiphanes, this unpublished papyrus probably contains a symbolon with information about the auction of a young female slave: the amount paid (five talents), the name of the director, Heliodorus, appointed to the royal bank of Crocodilopolis for that year, where the purchaser deposed the money for the bid. The onomastics suggest a link to the syngraphe synoikisiou of 231 BC in CPR XVIII 17.

Einblicke in die ptolemäische Verwaltungspraxis
Stern, Matthias
Page 62
In this article, BGU VI 1242 and 1311, which shed light on the implementation of the tax farming system into Ptolemaic Egypt, are re-edited and systematically commented on for the first time. Each text reveals certain administrative procedures by which tax farmers worked in cooperation with public institutions.

Greek or Egyptian?
Láda, Csaba A.
Page 95
In this article the origin of the Ptolemaic honorific court title συγγενής is examined on the basis of Greek, Demotic and hieroglyphic sources. It is shown that this title cannot be derived from any pharaonic Egyptian title and that, in fact, it found its way into both Demotic and hieroglyphic usages.

Die Verwendung von Zahlsubstantiven zur Bezeichnung von Monatstagen in den griechischen Papyri
Hagedorn, Dieter
Page 123
In this article the author tries to answer the question, whether a general rule of the ancient Greek language, i.e. to designate the fourth, the twentieth, and the thirtieth days of a month not by ordinal numbers, but by the substantival numerals τετράς, εἰκάς, and τριακάς, was also observed in the 
Greek papyri and ostraca from Egypt.

Loan of Wheat with Antichresis
Claytor, W. Graham
Page 138
Publication of a loan of wheat from the reign of Antoninus Pius found in Bakchias and now in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo. The penalty clause involves antichretic rights to an aroura of land and the wheat is described with the extremely rare term αὐτοκεφάλαιος.

Creating a New Local Elite: The Establishment of the Metropolitan Orders of Roman Egypt
Broux, Yanne
Page 143
Since membership of the gymnasial order was controlled more strictly than for the metropolites, this group was long considered an elite within an elite. Building on the theory that they were, rather, distinct groups that developed side by side, this paper pursues the question of the origins of these orders and the implications of their 'closing' in the second half of the first century AD.

Problemi di attribuzione di P.Ness. II 1 fr. VII
Fressura, Marco
Page 154
This article discusses P.Ness. II 1 fr. VII, presumed lost until 2010. Examination of the original reveals some material and textual clues that cast doubt on Casson/Hettich’s attribution to Verg. Aen. I 618-619, 624-625. Unfortunately no safe new attribution seems possible, as the fragment is too small and damaged.

Fiscalité et comptabilité dans l᾽Égypte byzantine et arabe À propos d᾽une publication récente d᾽ostraca du Petrie Museum
Delattre, Alain / Fournet, Jean-Luc
Page 161
We propose corrections to and reeditions of ostraca recently published in O.Petr. Mus. - most of them tax receipts or accounts from the VIIIth Theban area (Djeme).

Höfliche Bitte an einen Bekannten um Bezahlung eines Geldbetrags
Shahin, Ayman Aly
Page 176
Edition of an Arabic letter from the 3rd/9th century. The writer politely reminds a friend to pay his debt, five dirhams less seven Ḥabba.

Darstellung und Hilfsmittel
I papiri omerici
Poethke, Günter
Page 184

Actes du 26e Congrès international de papyrologie
Poethke, Günter
Page 186

Literarische Texte der Berliner Papyrussammlung
Luppe, Wolfgang
Page 194

Yahia el-Masry, Hartwig Altenmüller, Heinz-Josef Thissen, Das Synodaldekret von Alexandria aus dem Jahr 243 v.Chr. Studien zur altägyptischen Kultur: Beiheft 11. Hamburg
Pfeiffer, Stefan
Page 196

Albrecht Gerber, Deissmann the Philologist. Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der älteren Kirche, 171.
Kramer, Johannes
Page 198

Andrew Monson: Agriculture and Taxation in Early Ptolemaic Egypt
Scheuble-Reiter, Sandra
Page 202

Sandra Scheuble-Reiter, Die Katökenreiter im ptolemäischen Ägypten
Armoni, Charikleia
Page 204

Urkundenreferat 2010
Kruse, Thomas
Page 208

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