Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Biochemists on Abbey Road

Jerry Coyne posted the photograph on the right and said, "If you don’t know what happened a few minutes after this picture was taken in 1969, you are either way too young or have no knowledge of rock history" [Music history about to be made]. I agree but, unfortunately, there are way too many people who are way too young. You can't blame them for not knowing what was about to happen.

I've been on that crosswalk dozens of times because it's right near a house in St. John's Wood where I once stayed while in London. Here's a photograph (below) of the owner of that house along with some of his friends. You don't have to be very old to have been around when this photo was taken but you do have to have some knowledge of the history of biochemistry and molecular biology.

How many of you can name all the scientists in this photo? (No peeking at the comments.)

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