My first post was on Nov. 4, 2006 [Welcome to my Sandwalk] so this makes Sandwalk five years old!
It was PZ Myers who got me started.1 We were in England visiting Down House when he convinced me that starting a blog was better than posting messages on talk.origins. He took the picture of me on the upper-left-hand corner of this page Can you guess where we were? He also took the one in this post.
3811 posts later I'm still not sure whether to thank PZ or curse him.
On last year's blogiversary, none of the top five postings on Sandwalk were about science. This has now changed. As of today, four of the top five all-time postings are science postings.
The Genetics of Eye Color
Smart Crocodile Eaters?
Regulating Glycogen Metabolism
A Challenge to Theists and their Accommodationist Supporters
Carnival of Evolution #38
Sandwalk currently averages around 180,000 page views per month. This puts it at the low end of the middle group of science blogs. (Ranked number 36 this month.)
1. He has a blog as well.
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