Author: Savignago, Lorenza
Title: Eisthesis : il sistema dei margini nei papiri dei poeti tragici.
Place and publisher: Alessandria : Edizioni dell'Orso Year of publication: 2008
Format: 356 p. ; 24 cm.
Series 1: Minima philologica. Serie greca; 3
Notes: Contains bibliography (p. 331-356), bibliographical references, notes and index.
Dewey D.C.: 882 LC Classification: PA
ISBN/ISSN: 978-88-6274-095-1 ISBN-13: 9788862740951 Price: 25,00 EUR (June 2009
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Lorenza Savignano, Eisthesis: il sistema dei margini nei papiri dei poeti tragici
Genes, Phylogeny, and Orangutans

In case you want to see a shorter version, the basic idea is explained in Schwartz (1999).
Over the years, Schwartz has published many other ideas that are controversial. Lately he has been pushing the concept that molecular phylogenies are unreliable. In part this is because he is opposed to gradual change as documented in the record of the genes. He thinks that real evolution takes place when alterations of regulatory genes result in major new phenotypes. Thus, the best way to discover the history of life is to examine anatomical homologies and differences.
But part of the problem lies in Jeffrey Schwartz's idiosyncratic understanding of genetics and molecular biology. When you put these together, this is what you get in Schwartz (2009).
This having been said, systematics and evolutionary biology need not remain estranged. Developmental biology increasingly makes clear that organismal change (and by extension, evolution), is not how it was imagined when the synthesis emerged (see reviews in Schwartz 1999, 2009b; Maresca and Schwartz 2006). Further, because of the interrelation between, e.g., the physical properties of cells, signaling pathways, epigenetic effects and development and consequently the origination of form, the false dichotomy of ‘‘molecules versus morphology’’ that resulted in the 1980s from the dethroning of morphology by the hegemony of molecular analyses is no longer tenable (Schwartz 2009a). Indeed, the undeniable hierarchical continuum from the molecular through the morphological, firmly centralizes morphology (as understood via development) in systematic endeavors (Schwartz 2009a).Grahan and Schwartz (2009) have just published a paper in which they claim that orangutans are more closely related to humans that are chimpanzees. According to them, the molecular data is not reliable. They claim that detailed morphological comparisons show that orangutans are our closest ancestor.
John Hawks asks the question "Are orangutans our closest living relatives?" and he comes up with the best possible answer to scientists with a well-known history of promoting "unusual" positions on evolution.
It's a lesson that New Scientist should have learned. They devote several pages to the Grahan and Schwartz paper thereby giving it much more publicity than it deserves [Could the orang-utan be our closest relative?].1 The article is written by Graham Lawton who you might remember from the "Tree of Life" episode [see: Explaining the New Scientist Cover]. The editors of New Scientist knew full well that their decision would be controversial so they took a proactive position by writing a short editorial [In praise of scientific heresy ].
If its claims are so outlandish, should the research even have been published? Some scientists would clearly have preferred it if the paper had never seen the light of day, and question the judgement of the journal.There's some truth here, but only some. You can't use Stanley Prusiner as an excuse to publish every crazy idea that comes along. Some ideas really are crazy—they are not revolutions in disguise. The plain fact is that Jeffrey H. Schwartz has already had his chance to make his case and he has not been successful. How many chances does he get before we draw the obvious conclusion?
That is territory we should tread with care. Ideas that mainstream opinion "knows" to be wrong occasionally turn out to be right. The insights of Galileo, Stan Prusiner - who discovered prions - and many others were once denounced as heresy. And even those that are wrong can be valuable.
Science proceeds by questioning its own assumptions and regarding every "fact" as provisional, so alternative hypotheses should be given an airing, if only to reaffirm the strength of the orthodoxy. Science that pulls up the drawbridge on new ideas risks becoming sterile. The journal recognised that and should be applauded for its decision to disseminate this challenging paper.
1. The article was two pages long and the editorial was much less than one page. This may not qualify as "several" pages by some definitions.
[Photo Credit: Daily Mail]
Grehan, J.R. and Schwartz, J.H. (2009) Evolution of the second orangutan: phylogeny and biogeography of hominid origins. Journal of Biogeography, published online June 22. 2009. [doi:10.1111/j.1365-2699.2009.02141.x]
Schwartz, J.H. (1999) Homeobox genes, fossils, and the origin of species. Anat Rec. 15:15-31. [PubMed]
Schwartz, J.H. (2009) Reflections on Systematics and Phylogenetic
Reconstruction. Acta Biotheor 57:295–305 [doi: 10.1007/s10441-009-9078-9]
What Can Scientists Do to Help Science Journalism?

One of the articles is an editorial, Cheerleader or watchdog?, about what scientists can do to help science journalism.
Scientists can do little to stem this bloodletting. But whatever they can do to engage with those caught up in it, and ensure that questioning and informed science journalism persists, will be worthwhile. If there is to be a transition to new — perhaps philanthropic — business models for in-depth reporting or new types of analytical media, science journalism will integrate into them all the better if scientists are taking an active interest in its health. And if the future of the media truly is a dire landscape of top-100 lists, shouting heads and minimal attention span, then such efforts might at least defer the grim end.I agree that scientists should work on trying to make science reporting more accurate. So far, we haven't been too successful.
Even amid the turmoil, however, scientists can help ensure that reporting about science continues to be both informed and accurate.
But there's another important contribution we can make. We can help clean up our own act so that less bad science is published. This will not only make science better, it will have the spin-off effect of making life easier for science journalists. At the very least, we should make sure that press releases coming from our institutions are accurate. Every scientists should have to stand behind and endorse the press releases from their supporting institution. Let's take responsibility.
Also, wouldn't it be nice if most of the papers published in the scientific literature were careful to put their work in the proper perspective? Wouldn't it be nice if scientists themselves stopped exaggerating their contributions and stopped making outrageous claims? Science journalists have not done a good job of sifting the wheat from the chaff, in spite of what they think. They are far from blameless but scientists carry a bigger share of the blame for the sorry state of science literacy.
Forthcoming: Early Christian Books in Egypt Roger S. Bagnall

Due out in September:
Early Christian Books in Egypt
Roger S. Bagnall
Cloth | September 2009 | $29.95 / £20.95
136 pp. | 5 1/2 x 8 1/2 | 15 halftones. 11 tables.
Chapter 1 [PDF]
For the past hundred years, much has been written about the early editions of Christian texts discovered in the region that was once Roman Egypt. Scholars have cited these papyrus manuscripts--containing the Bible and other Christian works--as evidence of Christianity's presence in that historic area during the first three centuries AD. In Early Christian Books in Egypt, distinguished papyrologist Roger Bagnall shows that a great deal of this discussion and scholarship has been misdirected, biased, and at odds with the realities of the ancient world. Providing a detailed picture of the social, economic, and intellectual climate in which these manuscripts were written and circulated, he reveals that the number of Christian books from this period is likely fewer than previously believed.
Bagnall explains why papyrus manuscripts have routinely been dated too early, how the role of Christians in the history of the codex has been misrepresented, and how the place of books in ancient society has been misunderstood. The author offers a realistic reappraisal of the number of Christians in Egypt during early Christianity, and provides a thorough picture of the economics of book production during the period in order to determine the number of Christian papyri likely to have existed. Supporting a more conservative approach to dating surviving papyri, Bagnall examines the dramatic consequences of these findings for the historical understanding of the Christian church in Egypt.
Roger S. Bagnall is professor of ancient history and director of the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World at New York University. His books include Egypt in Late Antiquity (Princeton).
"This book is brilliant, concise, and elegantly written. Bagnall provides a masterful and readable study, while also addressing a number of controversies in early Christian studies. The book will be an instant and major classic in the field--it is that good."--T. G. Wilfong, University of Michigan
"Written by one of the world's leading papyrologists, this book is full of valuable and interesting information that will help to advance the discussion of a hot topic."--Robert Kraft, University of Pennsylvania
Table of Contents:
List of Figures ix
Preface xi
A Note on Abbreviations xv
Chapter I: The Dating of the Earliest Christian Books in Egypt General Considerations 1
Chapter II: Two Case Studies 25
Chapter III: The Economics of Book Production 50
Chapter IV: The Spread of the Codex 70
Notes 91
Bibliography 99
Index of Subjects 105
Index of Papyrological Texts Discussed 110
Roger S. BAGNALL, The Oxford Handbook of Papyrology

Thousands of texts, written over a period of three thousand years on papyri and potsherds, in Egyptian, Greek, Latin, Aramaic, Hebrew, Persian, and other languages, have transformed our knowledge of many aspects of life in the ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern worlds. The Oxford Handbook of Papyrology provides an introduction to the world of these ancient documents and literary texts, ranging from the raw materials of writing to the languages used, from the history of papyrology to its future, and from practical help in reading papyri to frank opinions about the nature of the work of papyrologists. This volume, the first major reference work on papyrology written in English, takes account of the important changes experienced by the discipline within especially the last thirty years.
Including new work by twenty-seven international experts and more than one hundred illustrations, The Oxford Handbook of Papyrology will serve as an invaluable guide to the subject.
Product Details
712 pages; 125 halftones; 6-3/4 x 9-3/4;
ISBN13: 978-0-19-517838-8
ISBN10: 0-19-517838-6
About the Author(s)
Roger S. Bagnall is Director of the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, New York University
Introduction, , Roger S. Bagnall
Useful Web sites
1. Writing Materials in the Ancient World, , Adam Bulow-Jacobsen
2. The Finds of Papyri , Helene Cuvigny
3. The History of the Discipline, , James G. Keenan
4. Conservation of Ancient Papyrus Materials , Jaakko Frösén
5. Greek and Latin Writing in the Papyri, , Guglielmo Cavallo
6. The Greek and Latin Languages in the Papyri , Eleanor Dickey
7. Abbreviations and Symbols, , Nikolaos Gonis
8. Practical Help , Roger S. Bagnall
9. Editing a Papyrus, , Paul Schubert
10. Archives and Dossiers, Katelijn Vandorpe
11. The Ancient Book, , William A. Johnson
12. Papyrology and Ancient Literature , Timothy T. Renner
13. The Special Case of Herculaneum , David Sider
14. Education in the Papyri , Raffaella Cribiore
15. Mathematics, Science and Medicine in the Papyri, , Alexander Jones
16. The Range of Documentary Texts , Bernhard Palme
17. The Multilingual Environment of Persian and Ptolemaic Egypt, , Dorothy J. Thompson
18. The Multilingual Environment of Late Antique Egypt , Jean-Luc Fournet
19. Arabic Papyri and Islamic Egypt, , Petra M. Sijpesteijn
20. The Papyrology of the Near East , Jean Gascou
21. Writing Histories from the Papyri, , Todd M. Hickey
22. Geography and Administration in Egypt, , Maria Rosaria Falivene
23. Law in Greco-Roman Egypt, , Uri Yiftach-Firanko
24. Egyptian Religion and Magic in the Papyri , Willy Clarysse
25. Christianity in the Papyri, , David G. Martinez
26. Manichaeism and Gnosticism in the Papyri, Cornelia Römer
27. The Future of Papyrology, , Peter van Minnen
List of figures
Campus Excitement

It's a popular location for shooting movies and TV shows and you never know what you'll find on any given day. This is the scene that greeted me today when I emerged from the subway station. It took a few seconds to realize that I wasn't in the middle of a real emergency.
Last week the front campus was the scene of a bank truck robbery in Germany, just in front of a sidewalk café. I wish they'd left the outdoor tables and umbrellas and kept serving the wine and food.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Monday's Molecule #127

Today's molecule stinks.1 You have to identify it by giving me the common name and the IUPAC name.
There's only one Nobel Laureate whose name is linked to this molecule. The Laureate was responsible for determining its structure.
The first person to identify the molecule and the Nobel Laureate, wins a free lunch. Previous winners are ineligible for six weeks from the time they first won the prize.
There are seven ineligible candidates for this week's reward: Michael Clarkson of Waltham MA (USA), Òscar Reig of Barcelona, Maria Altshuler of the University of Toronto, Mike Fraser of the University of Toronto, Jaseon Oakley of the University of Toronto, Bill Chaney of the University of Nebraska and Ian Clarke of New England Biolabs Canada in Pickering ON, Canada.
Bill Chaney has donated his free lunch to a deserving undergraduate so I'm going to continue to award an additional free lunch to the first undergraduate student who can accept it. Please indicate in your email message whether you are an undergraduate and whether you can make it for lunch.
Nobel Laureates
Send your guess to Sandwalk (sandwalk (at) and I'll pick the first email message that correctly identifies the molecule(s) and names the Nobel Laureate(s). Note that I'm not going to repeat Nobel Prizes so you might want to check the list of previous Sandwalk postings by clicking on the link in the theme box.
Correct responses will be posted tomorrow.
Comments will be blocked for 24 hours.
1. Opinions may vary.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
REVIEW: J. H. F. Dijkstra, Philae and the End of Ancient Egyptian Religion

J. H. F. Dijkstra, Philae and the End of Ancient Egyptian Religion: A Regional Study of Religious Transformation (298-642 CE). Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta, 173. Leuven: Peeters, 2008. Pp. xvii, 466. ISBN 9789042920316. €85.00.
Reviewed by Robert B. Gozzoli, University of Siam, Thailand (
Word count: 1171 words
Table of Contents
The book under analysis here is the revised PhD dissertation of the author, originally submitted in 2005 at the University of Groningen, under the title of Religious Encounters on the Southern Egyptian Frontier in Late Antiquity (p. x).1 For readers such as myself, an Egyptologist by formation with a small background in Coptic studies, this book is certainly a welcome contribution for it is a comprehensive analysis of the religious and social developments at Philae and in the First Cataract zone. The chronological boundaries are defined by the withdrawal of Egypt's southern border to Elephantine in 298 AD by Diocletian and the Arab conquest of Egypt. Within this scope, various sources are analysed and comprehensively studied in order to give a picture of how ancient Egyptian religion and the ''new'' religion merged in daily life. The book is set up by these initial questions: "What happened to the cults at Philae in the Late Antiquity? And what was the role played by Christianity on the island? Was Philae an exceptional case?" (p. 14).
etc. at BMCR
REVIEW: Alain Delattre, Papyrus coptes et grecs du monistère d'apa Apollô de Baouît conserveés

Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2009.06.47
Alain Delattre, Papyrus coptes et grecs du monistère d'apa Apollô de Baouît conserveés aux Musées Royaux d'Art et d'Histoire de Bruxelles. Bruxelles: Académie royale de Belgique, 2004. Pp. 351; pls. 60. ISBN 978-2-8031-0236-5. €30.00.
Reviewed by AnneMarie Luijendijk, Princeton University (
Word count: 2329 words
In this book, begun as dissertation presented at the Université Libre in Brussels in 2004, Alain Delattre presents an edition of 60 Greek and Coptic documents originally from the Monastery of Apa Apollo of Bawit, now in the Royal Museums of Art and History at Brussels. Delattre offers detailed insights into daily life and business in one of Egypt's largest monasteries. Although reading documentary papyri may be acquired taste, I recommend the book warmly to all interested in monasticism and in the socio-economic history of the 7th and 8th centuries.
etc at BMCR
Grandpa Burger

While we were living in Europe there were no A&W's in our part of the world so I didn't have a problem choosing what to order. By the time we returned to Canada, Jane had been born and I could order the Papa Burger without feeling guilty.1
Here I am at the the A&W yesterday, trying out the Grandpa Burger. Technically, I won't be officially eligible for the Grandpa Burger until next January. Coincidentally, that's when my daughter Jane and her husband Michael will be able to buy the Mama and Papa Burgers.
1. I sometimes cheated and ordered the teenburger anyway.
[Hat Tip: A&W Grandpa Burger commercial.]
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Everything You Wanted to Know About Canada but Were Afraid to Ask
The Canadian system of government can be a little difficult to understand and recent political events in Canada don't make it any easier. Here's a brief and dumbed-down lesson on Canadian politics. It's intended mostly for Canadians but foreigners might also find it helpful.
Thanks to Greg Laden most readers on his blog are now much more knowledgeable about Canada than most Canadians.
The Great, Profound, and Valuable Works of Evolutionary Psychology
A few weeks ago I was having an email discussion about evolutionary psychology with Gad Saad. Readers may recall an earlier posting about Gad's work on the correlation between the length of one's fingers and the kinds of things one likes to buy in a store [Psychology and Finger Length].
One of my criticisms of evolutionary psychology is that its proponents don't usually seem to have a good handle on modern evolutionary biology. Gad argues that, while this may be true for some evolutionary psychologists, it's not a widespread problem. He, for example, considers himself to be very knowledgeable about evolution. His undergraduate degree is in Mathematics and Computer Science. He then went on to obtain an MBA, an MS in Management, and finally a PhD in Marketing [Gad Saad].
He is currently an Associate Professor in the Marketing Department at Concordia University, Montreal, Canada. But over the years he has learned a great deal about evolution and in 2008 he was appointed to the "Concordia University Research Chair in Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences and Darwinian Consumption." Gad explained to me that this appointment was recommended by several experienced evolutionary biologists.
We weren't making much progress in our email discussions. It seemed that we had been reading different accounts of evolutionary theory because we couldn't agree on some basic concepts. Nevertheless, Gad advanced a number of vigorous defenses of evolutionary psychology including the following point that I reproduce from our email exchangewith his permission. (Actually, he gave me permission to post his list of "great, profound, and valuable works" but not the actual paragraph where he made the claim. I posted the actual claim because it differs from what Gad said in the comment to my earlier posting.)
Now Gad has posted his list in the comments to yesterday's posting on Why Evolutionary Psychology Is False.
I think it deserves wider coverage so here, without comment, is Gad Saad's list of the great, profound, and valuable works of evolutionary psychology. This is the best of the best by one of the leading experts in the field. I think we can get a good sense of the overall quality of the discipline by examining the list.
One of my criticisms of evolutionary psychology is that its proponents don't usually seem to have a good handle on modern evolutionary biology. Gad argues that, while this may be true for some evolutionary psychologists, it's not a widespread problem. He, for example, considers himself to be very knowledgeable about evolution. His undergraduate degree is in Mathematics and Computer Science. He then went on to obtain an MBA, an MS in Management, and finally a PhD in Marketing [Gad Saad].
He is currently an Associate Professor in the Marketing Department at Concordia University, Montreal, Canada. But over the years he has learned a great deal about evolution and in 2008 he was appointed to the "Concordia University Research Chair in Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences and Darwinian Consumption." Gad explained to me that this appointment was recommended by several experienced evolutionary biologists.
We weren't making much progress in our email discussions. It seemed that we had been reading different accounts of evolutionary theory because we couldn't agree on some basic concepts. Nevertheless, Gad advanced a number of vigorous defenses of evolutionary psychology including the following point that I reproduce from our email exchange
You are indeed correct that evolutionary psychology has at times succumbed to the allure of just-so storytelling. That said, it is unfair (and frankly dishonest of you) to place all evolutionary behavioral scientists under the negative umbrella that you repeatedly do. Evolutionary psychologists produce great, profound, and valuable works, and at times can produce weaker works with tenuous conclusions. This holds true of biochemists as well. Physicists disagree as to whether String Theory is valid or not. Should we equally view physicists as providers of shoddy and controversial work?I was intrigued by the claim that evolutionary psychologists have produced "great, profound, and valuable works" and I asked for examples. He supplied them but around that time I got distracted by real life and didn't follow up on our email exchanges.
Now Gad has posted his list in the comments to yesterday's posting on Why Evolutionary Psychology Is False.
I think it deserves wider coverage so here, without comment, is Gad Saad's list of the great, profound, and valuable works of evolutionary psychology. This is the best of the best by one of the leading experts in the field. I think we can get a good sense of the overall quality of the discipline by examining the list.
- Women alter their preferences for the facial features of men as a function of where they are in their menstrual cycles. When maximally fertile, they prefer men possessing markers of high testosterone.
- Babies display an immediate instinctual preference for symmetric faces (at an age that precedes the capacity for socialization).
- Children who suffer from congenital adrenal hyperplasia display a reversal in their toy preferences. Furthermore, using inter-species comparisons, vervet monkeys display the same sex-specific patterns of play/toy preferences as human infants. This suggests that contrary to the argument made by social constructivists, play has an evolved biological basis.
- Individuals who score high on an empathy scale are more likely to succumb to the contagion effects of yawning. This is indicative that this particular contagion might be linked to mimicry and/or Theory of Mind.
- How provocatively a woman dresses is highly correlated to her menstrual cycle (a form of sexual signaling found across countless Mammalian species).
- Culinary traditions are adaptations to local niches. For example, the extent to which a culture utilizes meat versus vegetables, spices, or salt is a cultural adaptation (this is what behavioral ecologists study).
- Maternal grandmothers and paternal grandfathers invest the most and the least respectively in their grandchildren. Whereas all four grandparents have a genetic relatedness coefficient of 0.25 with their grandchildren, they do not all carry the same level of "parental uncertainty." In the case of maternal grandmothers, there is no uncertainty whereas in the case of the paternal grandfather, there are two sources of uncertainty. This last fact drives the differential pattern of investment in the grandchildren.
- Good male dancers are symmetric (paper published in Nature). One would expect that some behavioral traits might correlate with phenotypic quality as honest signals of an individual's desirability on the mating market.
- Self-preference for perfumes is linked to one's immunogenetic profile (Major Histocompatibility Complex).
- When a baby is born, most family members (especially those of the mother) are likely to state that the baby looks like the father. This phenomenon is found in countless cultures despite the fact that it is objectively impossible to make such a claim of resemblance. The reason for this universally found cultural tradition lies in the need to assuage the fears of paternity uncertainty.
- Environmental stressors (e.g., father absence) and the onset of menarche (first menses) have been shown to be highly linked. In numerous species, the likelihood of a female becoming reproductively viable is affected by environmental contingencies.
- Women are less receptive to mandatory hospital DNA paternity testing (for obvious reasons). In other words, their willingness to adopt a new product/service is fully driven by an evolutionary-based calculus.
- Women can smell the most symmetric men. In other words, women have the capacity to identify men who possess the best phenotypic quality simply via their nose. This is what I have referred to as sensorial convergence.
- Using fMRI, the exposure to ecologically-relevant stimuli (e.g., beautiful faces) yields distinct neural activation patterns in men and women.
- In choosing a mate, humans tend to prefer the smell of others that are maximally dissimilar to them along the MHC. This ensures that offspring possess a greater "defensive coverage" in terms of their immunological system.
Friday, June 26, 2009

1908. Società Italiana per la ricerca dei papiri.
1928. Istituto Papirologico "G. Vitelli".
Atti del convegno internazionale di studi. Firenze, 12-13 giugno 2008,
a cura di Guido Bastianini e Angelo Casanova,
Firenze, Istituto Papirologico "G. Vitelli 2009
(Studi e Testi di Papirologia, N.S. 11),
pp. XX, 218 + XXXII tavv.
ISBN 978 88 87829 41 9
via Benedetto da Maiano 3, I-50014 Fiesole (FI)
CONFERENCE: Variation and Change in Greek and Latin. Problems and Methods.

Variation and Change in Greek and Latin. Problems and Methods.
Finnish Institute at Athens, 17 - 20 September 2009
Each paper (30 min.) is followed by a discussion of 15 min.
Thursday 17 September
14.00-15.30 Registration (Finnish Institute, Zitrou 16)
Session 1, Chair: Martti Leiwo
16.00 Martti Leiwo Opening
16.15 Heikki Solin Title later
19.00 Refreshments offered by the director of the Institute at his residence
Friday 18 September
Session 1, Chair: Heikki Solin
9.30 Pierluigi Cuzzolin What is linguistic variation and what is linguistic difference in Greek and
10.15 Paolo Poccetti Reflexes of variations in Latin and Greek through neither Latin nor Greek
Coffee Break 11.00-11.30
Session 2, Chair: Eleanor Dickey
11.30 Trevor Evans Aspects of Linguistic Diversity in the
Zenon Archive
12.15 Marja Vierros Egyptian transfer features in Greek. The
case of bilingual notaries in Hellenistic
13.00 Lunch
Session 3, Chair: Paolo Poccetti
15.00 Martti Leiwo What is variation and what is not? An
analysis of Greek ostraca letters
15.45 Giovanbattista Galdi The nominative plural ending in Latin
inscriptions, with special regard to the
first declension
Coffee Break 16.30-17.00
Session 4, Chair: Rolando Ferri
17.00 Eleanor Dickey Latin influence on Greek
17.45 David Langslow Typologies of translation techniques in
Greek and Latin
20.00 Buffet Dinner at the Ambassador’s Residence (Transport by bus)
Saturday 19 September
Session 1, Chair: David Langslow
9.30 Gerd Haverling Literary Late Latin and the development
of the spoken language
10.15 Kalle Korhonen Greek in contact with Arabic in medieval
Sicily. Onomastics and linguistic identity
Coffee Break 11.00-11.30
Session 2, Chair: Pierluigi Cuzzolin
11.30 Rolando Ferri Saying no in Roman comedy: a
case of pragmatic variation
12.15 Peter Kruschwitz Nothing ever really changes: Rome's
'epigraphic revolution' from a linguistic
13.00 Lunch
Session 3, Chair: Gerd Haverling
15.00 Philomen Probert Attic in the non-Atticist Greek
Grammatical Tradition
15.45 Hilla Halla-aho What does ‘Latin’ mean, and related
16.30 Final Discussion
20.00 Colloquium Dinner
Sunday 20 September
An excursion outside Athens.
Sixth International Conference of the Dakhleh Oasis Project

SUNDAY 20.9.2009
Opening ceremony: 6pm
Dr. P. Perrone, Mayor of Lecce
Dr. Zahi Hawass, Supreme Council of Antiquities
Prof. D. Laforgia, Dean of Lecce University
Prof. A. Mills, Dakhleh Oasis Project
Prof. C. Hope, Monash University
Prof. P. Davoli, Università del Salento
Prof. M. Capasso, Università del Salento
Opening reception cocktail
MONDAY 21.9.2009
Surveys and Environmental topics
09:00 M. Wuttmann: La prospection de l’oasis de Kharga
09:30 S. Ikram: Exploration of the Darb Ain Amur
10:00 B.E. Barich- M. Crespi-U. Fabiani-G. Lucarini: Geomatics Resources for Archaeological Survey in
Desert Areas – Some Prospects from Farafra Oasis
10:30 E. Morris: Activities at Amheida from Prehistory until the First Intermediate Period
Coffee break
11:30 G. Tallet: The Survey Project at El Deir, Kharga Oasis: First Results, New Hypotheses
12:00 C. S. Churcher: Collection and Interpretation of Archaeofaunal Materials from Archaeological Sites
12:30 U. Thanheiser: Times and Change. Subsistence Strategies in the Early and Middle Holocene in
Dakhleh Oasis
Oases in Pharaonic and Ptolemaic Periods
15:30 A.J. Mills, Recent Fieldwork at Ain el-Gazzareen
15:30 A. Pettman: The Date of Ain el-Gazzareen as Determined by an Examination of the Ceramic Material
16:00 Maher Bashendi, The Necropoleis of the Dakhleh Oasis
Coffee break
17:00 L. Pantalacci: Animal and Meat Consumption in Ancient Balat at the end of the Old Kingdom
17:30 C. Hope: Recent excavations at Mut el-Kharab, Dakhleh Oasis
18:00 J. Gill: A Study of Ptolemaic Period Ceramics from Mut el-Kharab, Dakhleh Oasis
18:30 S. Marchand: La céramique pré-ptolémaïque et ptolémaïque dans le bassin sud de l’Oasis de Kharga
(fouilles et prospection)
Gala dinner 20:30
TUESDAY 22.9.2009
09:00 M. McDonald: Dakhleh and Kharga Oases in Late Prehistory
09:30 B. E. Barich: The Culture of the Oases - Late Neolithic Herders in Farafra, a Matter of Identity
10:00 G. Lucarini: Early Craftsmen of the Desert. Clues of Predynastic Lithic Technology in the Late
Neolithic of Farafra
10:30 G. Mutri: Stratigraphic Evidence for MSA Finds at Sheikh el-Obeiyd – Northern Farafra Depression
Coffee break
11:30 M. Gatto: Beyond the Shale: Pottery and Cultures in the Prehistory of the Egyptian Western Desert
12:00 M.C. Wiseman: The Khargan Industry Revisited
12:30 M. Kleindienst: Results of Survey for Pleistocene Cultural Evidence from Dakhleh Oasis, 1978-79 to
2008-09 Field Seasons: Summary of Evidence and New Geoarchaeological Interpretations
Afternoon concurrent sessions
1) Sala Bernini (conference main hall)
Rock Art
15:00 A. Zboray: Rock Art at Jebel Uweinat
15:30 D. James: Stepping from Winkler’s Shadow: an Analysis of Rock-Art Classification at Dakhleh Oasis
16:00 D. Zampetti: Iconography and Techniques in the Rock Art of the Tadrart Acacus and Messak Settafet
(Libyan Sahara)
Coffee break
Recent Researches on the Kharga Oasis
17:00 Bahgat Ahmed, Archaeological Sites in the Kharga Oasis
17:30 D. Darnell: Pottery of Ghueita (MK-2IP-NK)
18:00 J. Darnell: Cedar of the West, Products of Bahariya, and Divine Offerings for Thebes: the Trade
Relations of Gebel Ghueita in Kharga Oasis
2) Sala Donatello
Papyrology and Archaeology at El-Fayyum
15:00 M. Capasso: La cultura letteraria Greca nel Fayyum di età Ellenistica e Romana
15:30 N. Pellé: Tra scuola e filologia: la ricezione delle Historiae tucididee nel Fayyum
16:00 T. Derda: New Greek Papyri from Deir el-Naqlun (El-Fayyum)
Coffee break
17:00 G. Azzarello: New Texts from the Archive of Epagathos
17:30 Ahmed Abd el-Aal, The SCA Excavations at Deir el-Banat
18:00 Ashraf Senussi, Making Pottery in Fayyum: an Ethnoarchaeological Study
WEDNESDAY 23.9.2009
Roman presence and late antique sites
09:00 P. Davoli: Amheida 2007-2009. New Results from the Excavations
09:30 P. Kucera: Al-Qasr, the Roman castra of Dakhleh Oasis
10:00 R. Livingstone: The Textiles from Kellis
Coffee break
11:00 A. Zielinski: Archaeological exploration and conservation measure at Ayn Birbiyeh site , Dakhleh
11:30 H. Whitehouse: Vine and Acanthus – Decorative Themes in the Dakhleh Oasis and Beyond
12:00 E. Ferron: Roman Adaptation to the Environmental Particularities of the Integrated Regions to its
Empire: the Example of the Oases of Kharga and Dakhleh (Abstract)
12:30 C. Rossi: Ain Lebekha and Umm el-Dabadib: Two Late-Roman Settlements in the Kharga Oasis
Christianity and Christian sites in the Oases
15:00 N. Aravecchia: The Church Complex of Ain el-Gedida, Dakhleh Oasis
15:30 D. Dixneuf: Ain el-Gedida (oasis de Dakhleh). La céramique du IVe siècle
16:00 G. Bowen: The Church of Deir Abu Metta and its Associated Structures: a Preliminary Report
16:30 M. Coudert- F. Letellier-Willemin: The Christian Necropolis of El-Deir in the North of Kharga Oasis
Coffee break
17:30 V. Ghica, D. Dixneuf: Darb al-Ghubbari. Between the End of the Roman Occupation and the Fatimid
18:00 F. Dunand-J.-L. Heim-R. Lichtenberg: Les nécropoles d’El-Deir (oasis de Kharga)
18:30 W. Godlewski: The Earliest Hermitages in the Fayyum
THURSDAY 24.9.2009
Egyptian temples and religion
09:00 O. Kaper: The Recontruction of the Temple of Thoth at Amheida
09:30 D. Klotz: Yale University Nadura Temple Project, 2009 Season
Coffee break
Textual finds
10:30 R. Bagnall-R. Cribiore: Christianity on Thoth’s Hill at Amheida
11:00 I. Gardner: The Coptic Ostraca from Qasr el-Dakhleh (2007-09)
11:30 G. Vittmann: New Texts in Demotic and Abnormal Hieratic from Mut el-Kharab, Dakhleh Oasis
12:00 F. Reiter: New Ostraka from Tebtynis
Islamic period
15:00 Ahmed Salem, SCA Excavations at al-Qasr
15:30 F. Leemhuis: Letters from al-Qasr. Glimpses into the Life of the Qurashi Family in the 19th and the
early 20th Century
16:00 A. Lyzwa-Piber: Progress in the Study of the Pottery from al-Qasr
Coffee break
Conservation and technologies
17:00 C. Silver: Mural Painting and Plaster Conservation in the Dakhleh Oasis: a Summary of Conservation
Problems and the Status of Conservation Treatments
17:30 N. Warner: Amheida: Architectural Conservation and Presentation Works 2006-2009
18:00 B. Bazzani: A New Database for Recording Excavation Data
18:30 Conclusions
M. Cremaschi-S. Occhi- Pizzi C., The Graeco-Roman Palaeo-Oasis of Dime: Origin, Apogee and Decline
T.L. Dupras – S.M. Wheeler: Children and Childhood in Kellis: a Bioarchaeological Approach
C. Lord: A Histological Investigation of Two Individuals from the Kellis Cemetery
R. Montgomerie: A Histological Examination of Preserved Lung Tissues from Dakhleh Oasis Mummies
F. Pavia-S. Maggioni: Topographical and Tri-dimensional Modeling of Amheida, Dakhleh Oasis
M.E. Peroschi: Wadi Abd el-Malik. Highlights from our Explorations
A.K. Rieger-T. Vetter, Man and Landscape in the Marmarica (Northern Libyan Desert)
M. Winiarska-Kabacińska: Function of Chipped Stone Tools from Old Kingdom Site at Ain el-Gazzareen,
Dakhleh Oasis
P.Oxy. Volume LXXIII
P.Oxy. Volume LXXIII
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4931
LXX, Psalm xc 3-8
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4932
Amulet: Psalm lxxii 21-3
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4933
Collection of Biblical Excerpts
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4934
First Letter of Peter i 23-ii 5, 7-12
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4935
Aristophanes, Thesmophoriazusae 1043-51, 1202-10
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4936
Menander, Epitrepontes
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4937
New Comedy (? Menander, Georgos)
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4938
Empedocles, Physica
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4939
Imperial Hexameters: Ethopoea?
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4940
Historical Fragment (Timagenes?)
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4941
A Thrasyllan Interpretation of Plato's Theaetetus
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4942
Zenobius, Epitome of Didymus and Lucillus of Tarrhae, Book 1
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4943
Dictys Cretensis, Bellum Troianum ii 29-30
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4944
Dictys Cretensis, Bellum Troianum v 15-17
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4945
Lollianos, Phoinikika
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4946
Dionysius Halicarnassensis, Antiquitates Romanae iv 77-8
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4947
Strabo, Geographica v 4.12-13
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4948
Achilles Tatius, Leucippe and Clitophon ii 37.8-10, 38.4
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4949
Aelius Aristides, Panathenaicus 390, 392
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4950
Post Eventum Predictions for AD 69-70
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4951
Commentary on a Poetic Text
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4952
Commentary on Archilochus' Trimeters
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4953
Petition to Strategus Regarding Extortion
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4954 = 394
Petition Regarding Extortion
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4955
Military Roster
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4956
Census Declaration
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4957
Census Declaration
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4958
Application to Acting Strategos
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4959
Letter of Ammonius to his Parents
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4960
Letter to a Stolistes
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4961
Authenticated Copy of a Petition to the Prefect
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4962
Letter of Ammonius to Diodorus
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4963
Letter of Heraclas to Diogenes
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4964
List of Hamlets and Requisitioned Workers
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4965
Manichean Letter
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4966
Sale of Irrigation Implements
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4967
Work Contract of Public Herald
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4931
LXX, Psalm xc 3-8
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4932
Amulet: Psalm lxxii 21-3
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4933
Collection of Biblical Excerpts
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4934
First Letter of Peter i 23-ii 5, 7-12
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4935
Aristophanes, Thesmophoriazusae 1043-51, 1202-10
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4936
Menander, Epitrepontes
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4937
New Comedy (? Menander, Georgos)
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4938
Empedocles, Physica
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4939
Imperial Hexameters: Ethopoea?
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4940
Historical Fragment (Timagenes?)
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4941
A Thrasyllan Interpretation of Plato's Theaetetus
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4942
Zenobius, Epitome of Didymus and Lucillus of Tarrhae, Book 1
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4943
Dictys Cretensis, Bellum Troianum ii 29-30
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4944
Dictys Cretensis, Bellum Troianum v 15-17
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4945
Lollianos, Phoinikika
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4946
Dionysius Halicarnassensis, Antiquitates Romanae iv 77-8
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4947
Strabo, Geographica v 4.12-13
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4948
Achilles Tatius, Leucippe and Clitophon ii 37.8-10, 38.4
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4949
Aelius Aristides, Panathenaicus 390, 392
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4950
Post Eventum Predictions for AD 69-70
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4951
Commentary on a Poetic Text
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4952
Commentary on Archilochus' Trimeters
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4953
Petition to Strategus Regarding Extortion
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4954 = 394
Petition Regarding Extortion
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4955
Military Roster
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4956
Census Declaration
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4957
Census Declaration
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4958
Application to Acting Strategos
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4959
Letter of Ammonius to his Parents
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4960
Letter to a Stolistes
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4961
Authenticated Copy of a Petition to the Prefect
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4962
Letter of Ammonius to Diodorus
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4963
Letter of Heraclas to Diogenes
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4964
List of Hamlets and Requisitioned Workers
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4965
Manichean Letter
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4966
Sale of Irrigation Implements
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4967
Work Contract of Public Herald
Swine Flu Is Caused by French Fries

Scientists from Russia’s Ministry of Health are warning in a secret report to Prime Minister Putin that they have discovered a ‘critical link’ between the H1N1 influenza (Swine Flu) virus and genetically modified amylopectin potatoes that are consumed in massive quantities nearly exclusively by Westerners and sold in fast food restaurants as French Fries.This is very troubling. I'd like to be an accommodationist and pretend that the Russian
According to these reports, the protease enzyme genetically modified in the potatoes being sold through Western fast food restaurants as French Fries to protect against Potato virus X causes an “explosive” replication of the H1N1 influenza virus by increasing the acidic conditions of the endosome and causing the hemagglutinin protein to rapidly fuse the viral envelope with the vacuole's membrane, then causing the M2 ion channel to allow protons to move through the viral envelope and acidify the core of the virus, which causes the core to dissemble and release the H1N1’s RNA and core proteins into the hosts cells.
Evidence confirming these dire findings by top Russian scientists is also supported by the World Health Organization who in their reporting on the current Influenza Pandemic, clearly shows that the H1N1 virus is nearly totally confined to those Western Nations allowing their citizens to consume these genetically modified potatoes, and which include: The United States with over 17,000 cases being reported with 45 deaths; Canada with 2,978 cases; the United Kingdom with 1,226 cases; and Australia with 1,823 cases.
I'm in a quandary over whether I should believe this or not. We need the Russians as allies but we also need the French. Seems like one of them is going to be offended.
The Glory for Christ Football League
Normally I don't like piling on and I don't like making fun of spelling errors (because I make so many myself). But here's a photograph from the New York Times that every blogger is reproducing and I just can't help myself.
The New York Times ran an article on football teams for home schooled children and this photo appears on their website under the caption ...
The Glory for Christ Football League in Georgia grew out of a desire to provide an option for young men who are home-schooled but cannot play in local football leagues.

It's pretty obvious that "acedemics" and "atheletics" are not the top priorities of these homeschoolers but who knew they were so far down the list?
Why Evolutionary Psychology Is False
I haven't got time to review the recent publications on evolutionary psychology. The good news is that the popular press is finally waking up to the fact that the entire field is suspect. It sure took them long enough.
Read a summary on Why Evolution Is True: Genetic determinism? Not so fast.
Lawrence Krauss on Science vs Religion
Lawrence Krauss was recently asked to participate in a debate about science and religion. Ken Miller and another Roman Catholic scientist were there. Miller argued the case for compatibility and Krauss defended the atheist position. Here's how Krauss describes some of the debate in an article entitled God and Science Don't Mix.
Faced with the remarkable success of science to explain the workings of the physical world, many, indeed probably most, scientists understandably react as Haldane did. Namely, they extrapolate the atheism of science to a more general atheism.This is the problem. Whenever you encounter a religious person who claims that there's no conflict between their religious beliefs and science, you have every right to engage in a discussion about the specific beliefs that they hold.
While such a leap may not be unimpeachable it is certainly rational, as Mr. McGinn pointed out at the World Science Festival. Though the scientific process may be compatible with the vague idea of some relaxed deity who merely established the universe and let it proceed from there, it is in fact rationally incompatible with the detailed tenets of most of the world's organized religions. As Sam Harris recently wrote in a letter responding to the Nature editorial that called him an "atheist absolutist," a "reconciliation between science and Christianity would mean squaring physics, chemistry, biology, and a basic understanding of probabilistic reasoning with a raft of patently ridiculous, Iron Age convictions."
When I confronted my two Catholic colleagues on the panel with the apparent miracle of the virgin birth and asked how they could reconcile this with basic biology, I was ultimately told that perhaps this biblical claim merely meant to emphasize what an important event the birth was. Neither came to the explicit defense of what is undeniably one of the central tenets of Catholic theology.
Do they believe in miracles? In my experience, religious scientists tend to avoid answering such direct questions just like they avoid answering questions about the efficacy of prayer, the existence of a soul, and life after death. I wonder why they won't answer these questions?
Thursday, June 25, 2009
John Wilkins Is an Asportist

There are only two possible answers to the second question. If the answer is "yes" then you are a theist. If the answer is "no" then you are not a theist. Most of the world can be conveniently divided into two groups: theists and non-theists. The others, those who answer "I don't know," aren't worth the bother.
We have a word for those who are non-theists. They are called atheists by my definition of the word. I use the word "atheist" in the same sense as any other word that begins with "a" and means "not." As Antony Flew puts it, the word atheist has the same connotation as "amoral," "atypical," and "asymmetrical." It means that you are not a theist. I'm also an athoothfairyist and an asantaclausian.
John Wilkins disagrees. He thinks the word atheist should be reserved for the strong belief that gods do not exist. When used in that sense, he would argue that he is not a theist and he does not actively deny the existence of gods. He is an agnostic. John divides the world into two camps—those who have a position on the existence or non-existence of god and those who don't. The latter group is the agnostics and he is one.
That's fine by me as long as John makes his definitions clear and he doesn't try to impose his definition of atheist on the rest of us. It would be wrong of John to call me an atheist using his definition so he better be careful. He would have to include me among the agnostics if he is being consistent. He'd also have to include Richard Dawkins. As a matter of fact, John might find it difficult to find anyone who is a true atheist by his definition.
I will try and respect John's wishes and refer to him as an agnostic who doesn't believe in god but doesn't advocate the nonexistence of gods as a philosophical position. However, I don't think I can go along with him in all cases ...
So, to summarise, when an atheist says to me I am an atheist because I lack a view, I am minded to reply, “I am also an asportist” for failing to have a team in any sport that I support. It makes about as much sense.I'm sorry, John. I'll respect your (strange) opinion and not call you an atheist, but you really are an asportist!
Blogging about Scientific Meetings
The question is whether it is legitimate for bloggers to report on what goes on at scientific conferences and meetings. I've done it several times and I never thought there was a problem.
Well, apparently some people disagree. Read about it in the latest issue of Nature: Science journalism: Breaking the convention?.
Blogs and Twitter are opening up meetings to those not actually there. Does that mean too much access to science in the raw, asks Geoff Brumfiel.Next month I'm going to a meeting on "The Tree of Life." I intend to let you all know what goes on at that meeting but it shouldn't be a problem since the participants know what I'm doing and I won't be the only blogger.
There was a time, forty years ago, when some scientific meetings were very closed affairs and scientists could talk openly and frankly about what they were doing without fearing that it would be widely disseminated to non-insiders. There are still a few meetings like that but the vast majority are not.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Scientists Are no Different from Anyone Else

Gould never pretended that individual scientists could be completely objective. He always said that they are no different than other people who have biases and prejudices. The special attributes of a scientist are that they recognize their biases and struggle to not let them influence their science.
He wrote a review of "Not in Our Genes: Biology, Idealogy and Human Nature" - a book by Richard Lewnotin, Steven Rose, and Leon J. Kamin, The review was later published in "An Urchin in the Storm."
In that review he acknowledged that he shared many of the opinions of the authors. He also wrote ...
... we scientists are no different from anyone else. We are passionate human beings, enmeshed in a web of personal and social circumstances. Our field does recognize canons of procedure designed to give nature the long shot of asserting herself in the face of such biases, but unless scientists understand their hopes and engage in vigorous self-scrutiny, they will not be able to sort out unacknowledged preference from nature's weak and imperfect message.The problem in scientific discourse is not the background of the scientist but the strength and logic of the scientific arguments. It may be useful to see *why* certain scientists adopt certain positions at a particular point in time but that explains the history of an idea and not its correctness.
Leftist scientists are more likely to combat biological determinism just as rightests tend to favor this quintessential justification of the statu quo as intractable biology; the correlations are not accidental. But let us not be so disrespectful of thought that we dismiss the logic of arguments as nothing but an inevitable reflection of biases—a confusion of context of discovery whith context of justification.Gould often laid his cards on the table when he confessed to his background. Whether it was baseball, a love of history, or a preference for New York, these were part of his personality and sometimes they crept into his science.
But honesty is not always the best policy. If you are honest enough to admit to prejudices and biases—even while you fight to suppress them—you aren't necessarily going to be admired. Especially if your opponents don't reveal their biases and pretend to be completely objective.
By drawing attention to the fact that scientists are no different than anyone else, Gould handed his enemies a weapon that could be used against him. How many of you have heard the charge that Gould is a Marxist, or (gasp!) a Liberal, and that's why he advocated Punctuated Equilibria? This is usually meant to discredit Gould because he revealed his background. Other scientists, who aren't so open, are given a free pass.
This is why you see a book about Gould and his politics but not a book about the politics of some of his opponents.
Monday, June 22, 2009
The Voyage That Shook the World
Watch the trailers and visit the website. Is this a film that promotes evolution?
No, it isn't [Creationists defend Darwin film].
Phil Bell, CEO of Creation Ministries UK, acknoweged that his organisation established a "front company" called Fathom Media, because they were concerned that experts such as Peter Bowler would not agree to take part in the film if they realised it was an "overtly Creationist" production. "At the end of the day," he said, "[when] people see 'Creationist', instantly the shutters go up and that would have shut us off from talking to the sort of experts, such as Professor Bowler, that we wanted to get to."
Grey hair may be protecting us from cancer
Another article from New Scientist documenting the slow decline of that journal into a typical supermarket rag [Grey hair may be protecting us from cancer ].
GREY hair may be unwelcome, but the processes that produce it are now better understood and could be protecting us from cancer.First off, I want to make it clear that many of us with grey hair do not find it "unwelcome" in spite of societal pressures to make us feel embarrassed.
Second, here's the actual paper and abstract [doi:10.1016/j.cell.2009.03.037].
Inomata, K., Aoto, T., Binh, N.T., Okamoto, N., Tanimura, S., Wakayama, T., Iseki, S., Hara, E., Masunaga, T., Shimizu, H., and Nishimura, E.K. (2009) Genotoxic Stress Abrogates Renewal of Melanocyte Stem Cells by Triggering Their Differentiation. Cell 137: 1088-1099.
Somatic stem cell depletion due to the accumulation of DNA damage has been implicated in the appearance of aging-related phenotypes. Hair graying, a typical sign of aging in mammals, is caused by the incomplete maintenance of melanocyte stem cells (MSCs) with age. Here, we report that irreparable DNA damage, as caused by ionizing radiation, abrogates renewal of MSCs in mice. Surprisingly, the DNA-damage response triggers MSC differentiation into mature melanocytes in the niche, rather than inducing their apoptosis or senescence. The resulting MSC depletion leads to irreversible hair graying. Furthermore, deficiency of Ataxia-telangiectasia mutated (ATM), a central transducer kinase of the DNA-damage response, sensitizes MSCs to ectopic differentiation, demonstrating that the kinase protects MSCs from their premature differentiation by functioning as a “stemness checkpoint” to maintain the stem cell quality and quantity.The idea is that DNA damage causes stem cells to differentiate into melanocytes that eventually die. Since there are fewer stem cells there will be fewer melanocytes produced over time and hair becomes grey. The fact that damaged stem cells undergo terminal differentiation instead of remaining as stem cells means that they are probably less likely to serve as the progenitors of a cancerous cell line.
Whether this has any real effect on protecting us from cancer is an open question. I doubt it very much but it's an easy hypothesis to test. Is it true that people with grey hair develop fewer cancers than people of the same age with darker hair?
Taxonomic Inflation

Given the ongoing battles between lumpers and splitters in the taxonomic community, one wonders whether the discovery of new species isn't just due to the elevation of varieties to the level of species. For example, there are many varieties of giraffe and some people propose that the current species, Giraffa camelopardalis, should be split into several species. This depends on your definition of species.
Christopher Taylor of Catalogue of Organisms reviews a recent paper that addresses the problem [Keeping an Eye on Inflation]. Turns out that the recent redefinition of species doesn't correlate with the increase in splitting so that doesn't seem to explain taxonomic inflation.
Unfortunately Chris doesn't answer the most important questions.
- Is it true that God has an inordinate fondness for beetles or is it just overzealous insect taxonomists?
- If you split G. camelopardalis then why not split Homo sapiens as well?
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Signature in the Cell

In case you can't wait, there's a Signature in the Cell website that explains the significance of this momentous event.
The foundations of scientific materialism are in the process of crumbling. In Signature in the Cell, philosopher of science Stephen C. Meyer shows how the digital code in DNA points powerfully to a designing intelligence behind the origin of life. The book will be published on June 23 by HarperOne.
Unlike previous arguments for intelligent design, Signature in the Cell presents a radical and comprehensive new case, revealing the evidence not merely of individual features of biological complexity but rather of a fundamental constituent of the universe: information. That evidence has been mounting exponentially in recent years, known to scientists in specialized fields but largely hidden from public view. A Cambridge University-trained theorist and researcher, director of the Discovery Institute’s Center for Science and Culture, Dr. Meyer is the first to bring the relevant data together into a powerful demonstration of the intelligence that stands outside nature and directs the path life has taken.
As a philosopher and a scientist himself, having worked in the field of geophysics for Atlantic Richfield, Meyer is able to step back from the fray of competing views about Darwinian theory and offer a searching, compelling investigation of life’s beginning.
Education and Science vs. Religion
As far as I'm concerned, the proper teaching of science involves explaining that it is a legitimate and powerful way of knowing based on evidence and rationalism. The scientific way of knowing conflicts with the vast majority of religious beliefs. In other words, the proper teaching of science is a threat to almost all religions and, in that sense, it encourages skepticism at least, and non-belief at best.
In most countries that fact isn't a problem but in the USA there's a problem. If the proper teaching of science promotes a "religious" point of view, namely atheism, then science can't be taught in public schools. It's fun to watch the contortions that many atheists have to go through in order to escape the obvious conclusion.
Andrew Brown (not an American, I might add) points out the problem [on being told by PZ ...]. I agree with him just as I agreed that Michael Ruse was making a valid point at the recent Center for Inquiry conference [Wherein Michael Ruse Avoids My Questions].
Jerry Coyne tries to get around the problem by concentrating on the teaching of evolution (just the scientific truth) and not "science" [Andrew Brown makes another dumb argument for accommodationism]. I think this is disengenuous but I do agree with Coyne that Andrew makes a silly case for accommodationism.
Coyne says,
Actually, we teach evolution because it’s a wonderful subject, explains a lot about the world, and happens to be true. And yes, it’s likely that teaching evolution probably promotes a critical examination of religious beliefs that may lead to rejecting faith. But teaching geology, physics, or astronomy does that, too.This seems to contradict his main argument since it implies that teaching science does, indeed, lead to rejecting religious beliefs. But, wait a minute, he goes on to say that ..
In fact, education in general leads to the rejection of faith. (Statistics show that the more education one has, the less likely one is to be religious.) Should we then worry about teaching physics, astronomy, or indeed, allowing people access to higher education, because those “promote” atheism?No, we shouldn't "worry" about that but it would be foolish to deny it. The essence of the scientific way of knowing is evidence, rationalism, and also one-mindedness and skepticism. We need to teach that to our children. To deny that this is inimical to faith-based ways of knowing is to deny the obvious.
Should we constantly be looking over our shoulders because the courts may catch onto this?Maybe you should, if you live in America. The evolutionist side in America has put a high value on winning court cases based on rather arcane legal arguments—who, besides lawyers, cares about the Lemon test? If the bad guys decide to fight back in the courts by challenging the teaching of proper science then watch out. I've heard there are a lot of lawyers in America.
Speaking of lawyers, John Pieret has an opinion on this subject [Science, Philosophy and Law].
Teach only the science and the "problem" evaporates. Any tendency to reject faith because of the teaching of the science is what church and state scholar Kent Greenawalt has called "spillover effects," which do not render the teaching unconstitutional because they are not a "primary effect" of it.If I understand him correctly, the teaching of Intelligent Design Creationism is unconstitutional because its "primary effect" is to promote religion. The teaching of evidence based rationalism (i.e. scientific reasoning) has as its primary purpose the destruction of superstitious beliefs but the fact that this includes religion is just a "spillover effect."
Wouldn't it be ironic if American courts ruled that it is unconstitutional to teach children how to think?
BL XII: Berichtigungsliste der Griechischen Papyrusurkunden aus Ägypte

Berichtigungsliste der Griechischen Papyrusurkunden aus Ägypten
Herausgegeben von H.-A. Rupprecht & K.A. Worp Zusammengestellt von F.A.J. Hoogendijk Unter Mitarbeit von M.J. Bakker & J. Hengstl
Publication year: 2009
ISBN-13 (i): 978 90 04 16206 8
Cover: Cloth
Number of pages: xii, 384 pp. (German)
List price: € 139.00 / US$ 199.00
The Berichtigungsliste der Griechisen Papyruskunden aus Ägypten, compiled under the auspices of the 'Association Internationale de Papyrologues', is an indispensable tool for any editor or user of Greek papyrus documents. Like its predecessors, this twelfth volume lists, in alphabetical order of papyri, the new corrections of readings and datings of published documents, as well as supplementary information, as they have appeared in recent literature. The book is supplied with indexes of new readings and rejected readings of Greek words. The value of the book lies in providing an overview of the explosive growth of research in Greek papyrology, the fruits of which appear in such an extremely wide spectrum of publications, that it may not completely be known or available to professional papyrologists, let alone to historians and philologists who also make use of papyrological resources.
Common Sense, Rationalism, and other Points of Views
Steven Pinker is an evolutionary psychologist. In this debate he defends that point of view. The other participants in the debate don't agree and I think they make a lot of sense.
You can also listen to Steve Jones defend the idea that human evolution has stopped. In that discussion you'll probably notice that random genetic drift isn't mentioned. I get the impression that most of the time none of the participants think about anything other than natural selection when they're discussing evolution. (But see part 5, where "random variation" is briefly mentioned.) However, I'm sure they'll deny that they are adaptationists when challenged. I'm sure they'll swear up and down that they know all about the other mechanisms of evolution.
Bora Zivkovic Writes About Journalism
Bora Zivkovic of A Blog Around the Clock has long been interested in the role of journalists—especially science journalists—in our society. He writes about the legitimacy of quotations in The Ethics of the Quote.
At the risk of incurring his wrath for quote mining, I give you one of the most important and controversial ideas in his posting.
Even when asked, journalists openly state that their role is not to find the truth, but to register the spectrum of opinions out there. That is stenography at best (not even that, as some opinions are never registered, including some very valid opinions), not journalism.I agree with Boris when he says that journalists don't deliver, however I disagree with him slightly about what they think they are doing. Many journalists think their role is just what Boris says it should be. They believe that journalists should be able to explain which ideas are wrong and which ones are correct. Many science journalists claim to be able to do this. They claim that they don't just report the opinions of scientists who disagree but provide "value added" by figuring out which ones are correct.
But that is absolutely NOT what the audience expects. Audience is already aware of the spectrum of opinions out there. They look for you to tell them exactly which one of those opinions is correct, and which ones are bunk. But you never deliver. Which is why people are mad, and the press has an extremely low ranking in popular opinion on trustworthiness.
If you disagree with the above paragraph, think why that is so? Did you hear it from your editors and colleagues? If so, they are dead wrong. If you learned it in J-school, your professors were dead wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong!!!
Now think again.
Is everything you ever learned in a professional setting about the role of journalism wrong? Could be. Time for deep introspection.
If that's what they're trying to do then they don't do a very good job in the fields that I'm familiar with.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Would You Get a Baccalauréat if You Were a Student in France?
French high school students must obtain the baccalauréat if they are to have any chance of getting into university. Almost all teenagers have to write the nationwide standardized tests at the same time. About half of them pass.
Everyone has to write the philosophy exam, which was held yesterday. Charles Bremner tells us what questions were on the exam [Stress test for France's young philosophers]. You have four hours to answer one of the questions. How would you do?
If you were in the economics and social science stream, the questions were ....To me the questions indicate that France expects more of its potential university students than we do in Canada. We used to have standardized province-wide exams in Ontario but they were abolished 40 years ago. As far as I know we never had a test that everyone in the entire country had to write.If you were one of the science students the questions were ....
- What is gained by exchange?
- Does technological development transform mankind?
If you were in the literature stream the questions were ....
- Is it absurd to desire the impossible?
- Are there questions which no science can answer?
- Does objectivity in history suppose impartiality in the historian?
- Does language betray thought?
I don't think such a test has ever been popular in the USA.
[Hat Tip: Uncertain Principles: Answers Matter More than Questions]
Deciphering Michael Ruse

Ruse frequently argues the accommodationist position and he's gotten himself in trouble recently by taking on Jerry Coyne [Brown + Ruse vs. Myers: Are atheists responsible for creationism?]. Jason Rosenhouse has weighed in to defend the atheist position, pointing out that Ruse is very confusing [Ruse News]. Sometimes Ruse seems to be aiding and abetting creationism by allying himself with people like Bill Dembski.
Jason is particularly upset by the book Debating Design co-edited by Michael Ruse and Bill Dembski. I'm not bothered so much by this book. In fact, it's a very useful collection of essays by proponents of both sides. That includes people like Francisco Ayala, Ken Miller, Elliott Sober, and Robert T. Pennock.1
In that book, Michael Ruse has an essay on the history of the argument from design. In order to illustrate how inconsistent and frustrating Ruse can be, I've selected a passage from the conclusion to that essay. Here, Ruse seems to be saying that the accommodationists are wrong. I think Ruse has it right, for once.
I draw to the end of my survey of twenty-five hundred years of the argument from design. Deliberately, I have tried to be nonjudgmental, merely telling the story of the ideas as they appear in history. But, as I conclude, I cannot resist drawing an obvious inference from my history. Intelligent Design theorists and atheistical Darwinians cannot both be right, but they are both surely right in thinking that they are more in tune with modern evolutionary biology than are the mainstream reconcilers of science and religion.
1. I agree with Jason when he says, "Making matters worse was the fact that the four essays Ruse chose to represent “Darwinism” added up to a very weak case for the good guys. If all I knew about this issue came from that book, I would be an ID proponent."
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
The Logic (and Intelligence) of Believers
PZ Myers discovered a wonderful website that proves, once again, that the correlation between believers and idiots is very strong and the fight really is between superstition and rationalism.
Have fun at Proof That God Exists.
On Faith and Science
Peter Hess is Faith Project Director at National Center for Science Education (NCSE). (I don't know if they have another director for people who don't rely on faith. Is there an Rationalism Project Director?) Hess was written an article in The Washington Post [On Faith].
It's a typical accommodationist article—full of unsubstantiated statements with no attempt whatsoever to come to grips with the main problem. The article maintains that science and religion are compatible without explaining what kind of religion you have to believe in to avoid conflict with science. Can you believe in miracles, the power of prayer, the existence of a soul, the importance of the Bible, the divinity of Jesus, and life after death without coming into conflict with science?
Joshua Rosenau likes the article by Hess. Josh has posted excerpts on his blog Thoughts from Kansas [NCSE's Peter Hess takes down Disco.'s John West]. Here's one of the excerpts that Josh posted.
Too often, debates over the public perception of evolution are dominated by the fringes, by fundamentalist Christians and others who reject basic science due to their literal reading of the Bible and by ardent atheists who reject religion because they've embraced metaphysical naturalism ― that nature is all that exists. But the silent majority ― that spans the spectrum from theism to atheism ― have no problem reconciling their religious beliefs with established sciences such as evolution, or with new sciences such as stem cell research. My work at the National Center for Science Education brings me into contact with voices across that spectrum and I've found that honest, open, and inclusive dialog is not only possible, but vital for our children's education, for the credibility of religious traditions, and for the continued role of the United States as a scientific and moral leader in our increasingly interconnected world.There are several problems with the logic expressed here. I'm always suspicious of those who claim to represent the "silent majority" but in this case the claim makes no sense because I'm not convinced that this so-called "silent majority" in the USA actually exists. Is it true that a majority of Americans have "no problem reconciling their religious beliefs with established sciences"?
Now let's imagine a hypothetical situation where Peter Hess is writing an article for a Swedish newspaper, where a majority of citizens are non-religious and atheists could not be labeled a "fringe" group. Would his argument be any weaker because he can no longer claim to represent the "silent majority"? If the answer is "yes" then the argument has no meaning. It's just empty rhetoric. I hate arguments based on the appeal to popularity even if the appeal is merely implicit.
Like Peter Hess, I also value "honest, open and inclusive dialog." That's why I think it's important to debate the conflict between science and religion. If one is being open and honest than one will address the potential sources of conflict such as the existence of a personal god and whether humans have a purpose. It would be dishonest to avoid those issues—and the ones listed above—in order to try and makes religious people more comfortable. It would not be "inclusive" to dismiss atheists as a "fringe" group whose opinions don't count because they're not part of the "silent majority.".
If we really value the education of our children then lets talk about the existence of supernatural beings and let's hear a defense of their existence and not just rhetoric about how belief is the majority position in the USA. Let's hear about those religious traditions that are compatible with science and let's, at least, get rid of the ones that are clearly incompatible.
Finally, who appointed the USA as the "moral leader" of the world? Did I miss the vote?

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