Sunday, October 29, 2006

REVIEW of René T.J. Cappers, Roman Foodprints at Berenike: Archaeobotanical Evidence of Subsistence and Trade in the Eastern Desert of Egypt.

INCIPIT "The fascinating topic of the Roman Empire's trade with the east, especially Arabia and India, has experienced a welcome revival of interest in recent times, starting with Casson's publication of the famous Periplus Maris Erythraei in 1989 and culminating, on the ancient historical front at least, in Gary K. Young's recent monograph on Rome's Eastern Trade: International Commerce and Imperial Policy, 31 BC-AD 305.1 Now, it seems the next major contribution has come from classical archaeology. René Cappers' book is a report on the study of the archaeobotanical remains found during the excavation of the Roman harbour town of Berenike on the coast of the Red Sea in the Eastern Desert of Egypt."
more at BMCR

Thursday, October 26, 2006

R. Ast, REVIEW of H. Maehler (ed.), Urkunden aus Hermupolis (BGU XIX)

Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2006.10.38
Herwig Maehler (ed.), Urkunden aus Hermupolis (BGU XIX). Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete, 19. München/Leipzig: K.G. Saur, 2005. Pp. 201; pls. 42. ISBN 3-598-77594-9. €118.00.

Reviewed by Rodney Ast, Columbia University (

Monday, October 23, 2006

G. Bastianini- A. Casanova, Callimaco cent'anni di papiri : atti del convegno internazionale di studi, Firenze, 9-10 giugno 2005.


Cent'anni di papiri callimachei

La poetica callimachea nella tradizione papiracea: il frammento 1 Pf. (= 1 M.)

Novità callimachee da Ossirinco

I papiri e la tradizione indiretta medievale negli Aitia

Callimaco, fr. 63 Pf.: ambiguità sintattiche e autenticità

L'apothéose d'Arsinoé (P.Berol. 13417 A = Callim. fr. 228 Pf.)

Callimaco, l'epigramma, il teatro

Il mito argonautico in Callimaco. L'episodio di Anafe

Le `Ωραι πέμφιγεϲ fr. 43, 40-41 Pf. (= fr. 50 M.) .

Sweet nothings - Callimachus fr. 1, 9-12 revisited

Prima e dopo αἱ κατὰ λεπτόν

Considerazioni sulle Diegeseis fiorentine (PSIXI1219)

Source: Papy-L June 2006; Istituto Papirologico "G.Vitelli"
Internet Bookshop (

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Miscellaneous Articles & Reviews

American Journal of Philology (AJP)
Volume 127, Number 3 (Whole Number 507), Fall 2006
Sider, David.
The New Simonides and the Question of Historical Elegy

In this paper I question the validity of the notion of "historical elegy" as a genre of classical Greek elegy. My approach is to view elegy as a whole in order to understand first how the Greeks themselves used the term "elegy" and then what we can learn of the contents of other classical elegies that touched upon historical subjects. I show that the Greeks never attached any descriptive label to "elegy," whether "historical" or otherwise, and that an elegy that included historical matters could also incorporate myth and look forward to the future, while including as well themes now thought of as sympotic.

MNEMOSYNE Volume 59, Number 2, 2006
Miniature Codices from Kellis
pp. 226-258(33)
Authors: Hope, Colin A.; Worp, K.A.

Susan A. Stephens: Seeing Double: Intercultural Poetics in Ptolemaic Alexandria
James J. Clauss 161

Benjamin Acosta-Hughes, Elizabeth Kosmetatou, and Manuel Baumbach (eds.):
Labored in Papyrus Leaves: Perspectives on an Epigram Collection Attributed to Posidippus (P.Mil.Vogl. VIII 309)
Thomas Schmidt 387

The Classical Review, Volume 56, Issue 01, April 2006, pp 217-218
Gonis (N.), Obbink (D.), Parsons (P.J.) (edd.) The Oxyrhynchus Papyri. Volume LXVIII . (Graeco-Roman Memoirs 88.) Pp. xii + 184, colour pls. London: Egypt Exploration Society, 2003. Cased. ISBN: 0-85698-142-71.

C. Galazzi; S. Settis, Le tre vite del Papiro di Artemidoro: voci e sguardi dall'Egitto greco-romano

Il papiro di Artemidoro
Voci e sguardi dall'Egitto greco-romano

ISBN 8837041306
A cura di: Salvatore Settis, Claudio Gallazzi
Anno pubblicazione: 2006

"La Fondazione per l'Arte della Compagnia di San Paolo, in collaborazione con la Fondazione Museo delle Antichitá Egizie, promuove la mostra Il Papiro di Artemidoro. Arti e Saperi nell'Egitto greco-romano, che si tiene a Torino, presso Palazzo Bricherasio. L'esposizione, curata da Salvatore Settis e Claudio Gallazzi, si articola in vari filoni tematici di approfondimento sullo straordinario Papiro detto di Artemidoro (che la Fondazione per l'Arte della Compagnia di San Paolo ha acquistato nel 2004). Il Papiro è stato usato a più riprese - tra il I secolo a.C. e il I secolo d.C. - come supporto per un testo geografico in greco corredato dalla prima carta geografica della Spagna, poi come album di schizzi d'arte raffiguranti animali fantastici e studi anatomici. Oltre all'eccezionale reperto - esposto dopo un accurato restauro effettuato presso l'Istituto di Papirologia dell'Universitá di Milano - saranno esposti oggetti dell'antico Egitto, della cultura greco-romana, del Medioevo e del Rinascimento, provenienti dai più importanti musei europei.
Leggi anche su Et Channel:
Il Papiro di Artemidoro: un enigma in mostra "

Prezzo: 35
Marchio: Electa
Sezione: Arte
Collana: Cataloghi di Mostre

Archaeogate's notice and images of the exhibition
M. Beard's Review in TLS
Controversy as to the authenticity of the papyrus

Source: WorldCat NC 65.E53; PA 3936.A23

K. Mueller, Settlements of the Ptolemies: City Foundations and New Settlement in the Hellenistic World

Settlements of the Ptolemies
City Foundations and New Settlement in the Hellenistic World

Studia Hellenistica, 43

Authors: Mueller K.

Year: 2006
ISBN: 90-429-1709-1
Pages: XVIII-249 p.
Price: 59 EURO

New settlement, relocation and migration have been part of human life right from the beginning. It is an essential ingredient of socio-economic life in antiquity and in the modern world. This book tells the history of new cities and settlement under the Ptolemies (332 to 30 BC). The Ptolemies ruled Egypt, numerous Aegean Islands, large stretches of the Mediterranean and Red Sea coasts for three centuries. They up-rooted, transferred, replanted and attracted people to new and old settlements throughout their realm. Departing from the traditional emphasis on Egypt only, or outside Egypt only, and bridging the scholarly divides between Egyptologists, Classicists, Archaeologists and Geographers, this study offers an innovative framework for understanding the structure of and processes underlying new Ptolemaic settlement. By assessing topics such as bilingual toponyms, spatial settlement networks and the rural impact of new foundations, population size, urban differentiation, politics and programmes that facilitated new settllement, the author draws the first comprehensive and multivariant picture of the basis for Ptolemaic power: land, people and cities."

Source: WorldCat

V. Maxfield; D. Peacock; R.Tomber; H. Cuvigny, Mons Claudianus: survey and excavation, 1987-1993 / Volume III Ceramic vessels & related objects

Valerie A. Maxfield - David P.S. Peacock
Mons Claudianus III - Survey and Excavation
Fouilles de l'Institut français d'archéologie orientale (FIFAO) 54

"Mons Claudianus is the site of a major Roman quarry complex, situated in the Eastern Desert of Egypt. The quarries, which were operated as an imperial monopoly, produced a fine grey granodiorite which was used largely in prestige imperial building projects in Rome. Once abandoned by Rome, the settlement lay largely untouched, and in a superb state of preservation, until the advent of tourism on the Red Sea coast in the 1980s. Seven seasons of work conducted between 1987 and 1993, produced a detailed survey of the large quarry field and fortified settlement area, and excavations undertaken to elucidate the functioning and chronology of the site. Among the major aims was the construction of dated sequences for various classes of ceramic artefact, something that had been sadly lacking for the earlier centuries of the Roman period in Egypt but which is made possible at Mons Claudianus by the association of the ceramic materials with dated ostraca. The high status of the site is reflected in the range of materials represented. This report provides a comprehensive account of the Egyptian and imported pottery and faience vessels, vessel stoppers, ceramic lamps and small objects. The report on the vessels includes a detailed description of fabric and forms, together with a dated catalogue. Quantified groups, ranging from the mid-first through the early third century AD, chart the ceramic trends through time, and are used to address broader issues, such as supply and demand, at the site. The report on the pottery lamps includes a comprehensive catalogue, and presents a new, dated typology designed to be flexible enough to accommodate future discoveries, as well as fabric analysis designed to establish provenance. A typological analysis of 273 vessel stoppers with their inscriptions attempts to correlate stopper type with vessel contents, and from this draw broader conclusions about food supply to Mons Claudianus. Finally, the group of terracotta and plaster objects, though relatively small in number and fragmentary in condition, forms one of very few well-dated collections of these materials published from Graeco-Roman Egypt."

F 953 FIFAO 54
ISBN 2-7247-0428-2
35 €

Source: WorldCat

D P S PEACOCK; L. BLUE, Myos Hormos - Quseir al-Quadim: Roman and Islamic ports on the Red Sea

Myos Hormos - Quseir al-Qadim, Roman and Islamic Ports on the Red Sea, Volume 1: The Survey and Report on the Excavations
edited by David Peacock and Lucy Blue

"Between 1999 and 2003, the University of Southampton conducted excavations at the site of Quseir al-Qadim. This excavation was prompted by the idea that the site was not the minor port of Leucos Limen as had been thought but the important site of Myos Hormos. This site, in tandem with its sister harbour at Berenike, saw the bulk of Rome's trade with India and the East. The present volume deals with the survey and excavation of the site, with volumes on the finds to appear at a later date. (Oxbow Books 2006)

ISBN 1842172034. Hardback. Publishers price US $80.00, DBBC Price US $64.00

Table of Contents
Part 1: The Region and the State Introduction (David Peacock and Lucy Blue); Regional survey (David Peacock et al); Site survey (Graeme Earl and Darren Glazier); The sedimentary history of the harbour area (Lucy Blue); Part 2: The Excavations Overview (David Peacock and Lucy Blue); The Roman harbour (David Peacock et al); The Islamic harbour (Rebecca Bridgman et al); The Roman town (Penny Copeland et al); The Islamic town (Jill Phillips et al); Discussion and Conclusion (Lucy Blue and David Peacock)."

Prof. Peacock's webpage at Southampton University
Dr.Blue's webpage, University of Southampton

Source: WorldCat

R. CAPPERS, Roman foodprints at Berenike: archaeobotanical evidence of subsistence and trade in the Eastern Desert of Egypt

Roman Foodprints at Berenike: Archaeobotanical Evidence of Subsistence and Trade in the Eastern Desert of Egypt

René T.J. Cappers

"DESCRIPTION: During the Graeco-Roman period, Berenike served as a gateway to the outside world together with Myos Hormos. Commodities were imported from Africa south of the Sahara, Arabia, and India into the Greek and Roman Empire, the importance of both harbors evidenced by several contemporary sources. Between 1994 and 2002, eight excavation seasons were conducted at Berenike by the University of Delaware and Leiden
University, the Netherlands. This book presents the results of the archaeobotanical research of the Roman deposits. It is shown that the study of a transit port such as Berenike, located at the southeastern fringe of the Roman Empire, is highly effective in producing new information on the import of all kinds of luxury items. In addition to the huge quantities of black pepper, plant remains of more than 60 cultivated plant species could be evidenced, several of them for the first time in an archaeobotanical context. For each plant species detailed information on its (possible) origin, its use, its preservation qualities, and the Egyptian subfossil record is provided. The interpretation of the cultivated plants, including the possibilities of cultivation in Berenike proper, is supported by ethnoarchaeobotanical research that has been conducted over the years. The reconstruction of the former environment is based on the many wild plant species that were found in Berenike and the study of the present desert vegetation.

SUBJECTS: Egyptian Archaeology

ISBN: I-931745-26-9 (paper), I-931745-27-7 (cloth)

Publication Date: 2006

Series: Monograph 55

Publisher: Cotsen Institute of Archaeology

Price: US $35 paperback, US $65 cloth "

The Author's webpage at Groningen University

Source: Worldcat LC no DT 73.B375

L. TACOMA, Fragile hierarchies : the urban elites of third century Roman Egypt

"Fragile Hierarchies deals with the world of the urban elites of third century Roman Egypt. It discusses economic, social and demographic aspects of the position of the elites of the small towns that dotted the Nile. The work combines analysis of Greek papyri with modelling techniques used in ancient history. The first part of the book analyses patterns of urbanisation, property relations and their consequences for elite formation. The second part discusses demographic aspects, patterns of inheritance and their consequences for continuity and discontinuity. The central argument of the book is that a strong social and economic hierarchy occurred side by side with a dynamic pattern of elite renewal."

Series: Mnemosyne, Supplements ; History and Archaeology of Classical Antiquity, 271
ISBN-10: 90 04 14831 0
ISBN-13 (i): 978 9004148 31 4

Cover: Hardback
Number of pages: xiv, 354 pp. (English)

List price: € 99.00 / US$ 129.00

The Author's webpage at Leiden University

Source: WorldCat LC no HN 786.Z9

Tuesday, October 17, 2006


John Whitehorne
Edizioni Gonnelli - Firenze 2006
1 vol., In 4°, pp. XIV, 202.
ISBN: 88-7468-028-7
Prezzo: € 130

Revised edition of Guido Bastianini - John Whitehorne, Strategi and Royal Scribes of Roman Egypt. Chronological List and Index, Papyrologica Florentina XV. Florence 1987

The strategi and royal scribes were the chief administrative officials of the nomes of Roman Egypt. The presence of named individuals with known terms of office is therefore often significant in the dating of documentary papyri. Updating Volume XV of the Papyrologica Florentina series (1987), this volume takes account of the relevant texts in nearly 150 volumes of papyri published over the last two decades up to the end of 2004. New entries and additions d royal scribes can now be dated much more precisely than hitherto.

Source: WorldCat

Monday, October 16, 2006

C. Römer-C. Láda edd., Schrift, Text und Bild: Kleine Schriften von Herwig Maehler

Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete
Beih. 21
Schrift, Text und Bild: Kleine Schriften von Herwig Maehler

Hrsg.: Láda, Csaba / Römer, Cornelia E.
Unter Mitarbeit von Peter Agocs, Ioana Ciuca, Myrto Malouta

"Der Band vereinigt 19 Aufsätze und Vorträge des Jubilars, der im vergangenen Jahr seinen 70. Geburtstag feierte. Er gibt einen Einblick in das Lebenswerk eines Forschers, der sich von der Klassischen Philologie kommend in die verschiedensten Bereiche der Altertumskunde einarbeitete und sie auf glückliche Weise miteinander zu verbinden versteht. Die hier wieder abgedruckten Artikel (einige leicht überarbeitet und auf einen neueren Stand gebracht) betreffen Homer, griechische Lyrik, die attische Tragödie, den antiken Roman und die hellenistische Dichtung, griechische Palä ographie, die ptolemäische Kunst und Skulptur und verschiedene andere Aspekte des Lebens im griechisch-römischen Ägypten. Die Auswahl bietet sowohl dem fachgelehrten Publikum als auch einem generell an der Antike interessierten Leserkreis eine anregende Lektüre."

Table of Contents

Source: WorldCat

M. Choat, Belief and cult in fourth-century papyri

Studia Antiqua Australiensia

M. Choat

Belief and Cult in Fourth-Century Papyri

XIV+217 p., 160 x 240 mm, 2006, Paperback
ISBN 978-2-503-51327-0, EUR 40.00

"This study examines the terms and features in the Greek and Coptic documentary papyri from fourth-century CE Egypt which bear on the religious beliefs of their scribes, composers, senders, and recipients. These include onomastics, formulaic expressions, invocations of particular deities, the way the name of God is written, titles of officials, and linguistic choice. Where previous studies have often found predicative criteria and clear-cut boundaries, here a new narrative of the development of late-antique religious vocabulary and scribal practice is found in the ambiguity and the confluence of religious traditions which the papyri reveal.

Malcolm Choat lectures and researches in the Ancient History Documentary Research Centre and the Department of Ancient History, at Macquarie University, Sydney.

This is the first volume in the series Studia Antiqua Australiensia, produced within the Ancient History Documentary Research Centre, Macquarie University."

Studia Antiqua Australiensia

M. Choat

Belief and Cult in Fourth-Century Papyri

XIV+217 p., 160 x 240 mm, 2006, Paperback
ISBN 978-2-503-51327-0, EUR 40.00

Source: WorldCat

Sunday, October 15, 2006

S. L. Lippert-M. Schentuleit, Demotische Dokumente aus Dime I: Ostraka

"Im ersten Band der von Karl-Theodor Zauzich herausgegebenen Reihe legt das Forschungsprojekt Soknopaiu Nesos nach den demotischen Quellen römischer Zeit über 200 Ostraka vor, die überwiegend 1909/ 10 bei Grabungen von F. Zucker im Tempelbereich von Soknopaiu Nesos, dem heutigen Dime, am Nordufer des Fayumsees gefunden wurden und sich heute in der Papyrussammlung des Ägyptischen Museums in Berlin befinden. Die Tonscherben, die bis auf wenige Ausnahmen hier zum ersten Mal ediert werden, tragen kurze Texte, die sich auf die administrative und wirtschaftliche Organisation des Tempels beziehen, so z.B. Abrechnungen, Namenlisten, Notizen über die Anwesenheit von Priestern verschiedener Abteilungen oder Vermerke über Bierlieferungen. Alle Texte sind in Umschrift und Übersetzung wiedergegeben, ein demotisch-deutsches Glossar erschließt den Wortbestand. Der umfangreiche Tafelteil zeigt alle Ostraka in Originalgröße."

Source: World Cat 71200475
LC no. PJ 1809

ISBN: 3-447-05350-X

M. Schentuleit, Dime online: Prosopographie zu Soknopaiu Nesos nach dem demotischen u. griechischen Quellen

"Ziel dieses Datenbank-Projektes ist es, die sowohl in den demotischen und griechischen Texten aus Soknopaiu Nesos belegten Personen systematisch zu erfassen. Da es bisher wenig Zusammenarbeit zwischen Ägyptologen und Papyrologen gibt und nur wenige Ägyptologen Griechisch, noch weniger Papyrologen Demotisch beherrschen, werden die Quellen, die doch identische Personen bezeugen, bislang noch nach ihrer Sprache separat bearbeitet und ausgewertet.
Diese online-Datenbank soll im Gegenzug dazu dienen, allen Altertumswissenschaftlern, unabhängig von ihren Sprachkenntnissen, das prosopographische und onomastische Material problemlos zugänglich zu machen.
Ergebnisse, die zu erwarten sind, sind z.B. die Identifizierung identischer Personen in demotischen und in griechischen Texten sowie die Antwort auf die Frage, wann jemand in einem "griechischen", wann in einem "ägyptischen" Kontext auftritt.
Auch für das Gebiet der Archäologie sind hier neue Erkenntnisse zu erwarten. Da quellenseitig aus dieser Siedlung sehr viele Hausverkaufsurkunden bezeugt sind, ist es -mit Unterstützung dieses Datenbankprojektes- vielleicht möglich, einen Stadtplan von Soknopaiu Nesos zu entwerfen."
Die Datenbank befindet sich z.Zt. noch in Entwicklung. In Kürze mehr!

Search the databank

Source: ABZU

N. GONIS, J.D. THOMAS edd., The Oxyrhynchus papyri. Volume 70 (P.Oxy. LXX. 4759-4802)

"Part 1 of this volume continues the publication of early Christian texts, while Parts 2 and 3 look at Greek fiction and Part 4 comprises documents from two well-known dossiers."
From the Egypt Exploration Society site:
" The Oxyrhynchus Papyri 70 (GRM 90) was published in April 2006 and distributed to GRM members who had paid for the subscription year 2002-2003."

Images / information not yet available at Oxyrhynchus Papyri site.

Literary texts (linked to the Leuven Database of Ancient Books
4759 Passion of St. Pamoun

4760-1 Antonius Diogenes ΤΑ ΥΠΕΡ ΘΟΥΛΗΝ ΑΠΙΣΤΑ "The incredible wonders beyond Thule"

4762 Novel fr.

4763-4771: Demosthenes
4763 Olynthiaca 02 27-31

4764 Olynthiaca 03 1, 33; In Philippum 01 7, 15-16, 22

4765 Olynthiaca 03 36

4766 Philippica 03 4-5

4767 Philippica 03 8, 19-20

4768 De classibus 2-3

4769 De classibus 8-10

4770 Pro Megalopolitanis 10-11

4771 Pro Megalopolitanis 24-25

Documentary Texts linked to Heidelberger Gesamtverzeichnis)
4772 Request for Pay 220-21 ? AD

4773 Application to Notify Registration of a Loan, 214 AD

4774 Draft of Petition, 224 AD

4775 R Instructions to a Village Scribe, 223 AD

4775 V Instructions to a Village Scribe, 223 AD

4776 Writing Exercise? (before 225, Summer

4777 Tax Receipt, 232 AD

4778 Application to the Idios Logos, c. 238 AD

4779 Official Document, after 169 AD

4780-4802: from the Apiones Archive
4780 Receipt for Replacement Part(s) of an Irrigator, 457 AD

4781 Receipt for an Axle, 525 AD

4782 Receipt for an Axle, 528 AD

4783 Receipt for Replacement Part(s) of an Irrigator (?)

4784 Receipt for Replacement Part(s) of an Irrigator, 530 AD;

4785 Contract, 551 AD

4786 Contract, 551 AD

4787 Deed of Surety, 564 AD

4788 Receipt for an Axle, 566 AD

4789 Receipt for Replacement Part(s) of an Irrigator, 576 AD

4790 Deed of Surety, 578 AD

4791 Deed of Surety, 578 AD

4792 Top of a Docuemnt, 579 AD

4793 Receipt for Replacement Part(s) of an Irrigator, 579 AD

4794 Deed of Surety, 580 AD

4795 Top of a Document, 582 AD

4796 Receipt for Replacement Part(s) of an Irrigator, 583 AD

4797 Receipt for an Axle, 583 AD

4798 Receipt for a Cogwheel, 586 AD

4799 Receipt for a Cogwheel, 586 AD

4800 Receipt for an Axle 611 AD?

4801 Receipt for an Axle, 617 AD

4802 Deed of Surety, early VII AD

164 p.; ill., facsims ; 26 cm.
London : Published for the British Academy by the Egypt Exploration Society, ; ISBN: 0856981737

Source: WorldCat

K.H. Schnöckel, Ägyptische Vereine in der frühen Prinzipatszeit : eine Studie über sechs Vereinssatzungen (Papyri Michigan 243-248)

Inhatverzeichnis (Table of Contents)
Leseprobe (sample) "§ 4. Die Frage der Freiheit der Vereinsgründung"
1. Auflage
2006, 120 Seiten, br.
ISBN 3-87940-798-3
EAN 978-3-87940-798-9
EUR 19,00 / CHF 33,60
(Xenia, Band 48)
119 p. ; 22 cm.
Konstanz : UVK, Universitätsverlag, ; ISBN: 3879407983 (pbk.)
Source: WorldCat (OCLC 68804474)
LC no. PA 3323

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Lecrture series: Bauern – Händler – Herrscher – Funktionäre; Szenen aus dem Alltag des pharaonischen bis früharabischen Ägypten

Auftaktveranstaltung der Ringvorlesung
Bauern – Händler – Herrscher – Funktionäre
Szenen aus dem Alltag des pharaonischen bis früharabischen Ägypten
Eine Veranstaltungsreihe der „Philippika. Marburger altertumskundliche Abhandlungen“
im Wintersemester 2006/2007 an der Philipps-Universität Marburg

Zeit: 16. Oktober 2006 um 19.00 Uhr c.t.
Ort: Fürstensaal im Landgrafenschloß Marburg

Professor Dr. Dr. h. c. Gilbert Gornig
Dekan des Fachbereichs 01, Rechtswissenschaften der Philipps-Universität Marburg

Professor Dr. Volker Nienhaus
Präsident der Philipps-Universität Marburg

H.E. Mohamed Abdelhey Al-Orabi
Botschafter der arabischen Republik Ägypten

Professor Dr. Rainer Hannig
Fachvertreter Ägyptologie an der Philipps-Universität Marburg

Professor Dr. Wolfgang Schuller, Universität Konstanz
Kleopatra – Fakten und Fragen
Veranstalter: „Philippika. Marburger altertumskundliche Abhandlungen“ in Verbindung mit dem Studiengang Ägyptologie,
Altorientalistik, Institut für Orientalistik und Sprachwissenschaft, Fachbereich Fremdsprachliche Philologien (10), Centrum für Nah- und Mittelost-Studien (CNMS) der Philipps-Universität, der Papyrologie im Institut für Rechtsgeschichte und Papyrusforschung am Fachbereich Rechtswissenschaften (01), dem Archäologischen Seminar und dem Seminar für Alte Geschichte am Fachbereich
Geschichte und Kulturwissenschaften (06).

Bauern – Händler – Herrscher – Funktionäre
Szenen aus dem Alltag des pharaonischen bis früharabischen Ägypten

im Wintersemester 2006/2007 an der Philipps-Universität Marburg

Eine Veranstaltungsreihe der „Philippika. Marburger altertumskundliche Abhandlungen“
in Verbindung mit den Fachbereichen 01 Rechtswissenschaften
06 Geschichte und Kulturwissenschaften
10 Fremdsprachliche Philologien
der Philipps-Universität Marburg

Montag, 16. Oktober 2006
19.00 Uhr c.t.:
Wolfgang Schuller: Kleopatra. Fakten und Fragen

Dienstag, 14. November 2006
18.00 Uhr c.t.:
Rainer Hannig: Szenen aus dem Alltag eines
ägyptischen Bauern

Dienstag, 21. November 2006
18.00 Uhr c.t.:
Walter Sommerfeld: Diplomatischer Alltag im
Briefarchiv von el-Amarna

Dienstag, 28. November 2006
19.00 Uhr c.t.:
Petra Vomberg: Alltagsideen der el-Amarnazeit

Dienstag, 5. Dezember 2006
18.00 Uhr c.t.:
Orell Witthuhn: Tutanchamuns Alltag – Versuch
einer Rekonstruktion

Dienstag, 9. Januar 2006
18.00 Uhr c.t.:
Torsten Mattern: Baualltag im römischen Reich im
Lichte der griechischen Papyri

Dienstag, 16. Januar 2007
18.00 Uhr c.t.:
H.-J. Drexhage: Wirtschaftsleben im römischen

Dienstag, 23. Januar 2007
18.00 Uhr c.t.:
Kai Ruffing: Soldatenleben im römischen Ägypten

Montag, 29. Januar 2007
18.00 Uhr c.t.:
Joachim Hengstl: „Kleopatras Hand“ – eine
Verwaltungsurkunde und herrscherliche Autografen

Dienstag, 30. Januar 2007
18.00 Uhr c.t.:
Andrea Jördens: Gewalt und Tätlichkeit im
ptolemäischen Ägypten

Dienstag, 6. Februar 2007
18.00 Uhr c.t.:
Sebastian Richter: Spätbyzantinischer und
früharabischer Verwaltungsalltag anhand koptischer

Alle Interessenten sind herzlichst eingeladen. Die Veranstaltungsorte werden kurzfristig und gesondert bekannt
gegeben. Sie sind zusätzlich im Internet unter
einzusehen oder unter zu erfragen.

Source: Papy-L

A. PAPATHOMAS, Fünfunddreißig griechische Papyrusbriefe aus der Spätantike

Corpus Papyrorum Raineri (CPR)
Fünfunddreißig griechische Papyrusbriefe aus der Spätantike

Hrsg.: Papathomas, Amphilochios

"Die Monographie ist eine kommentierte Ausgabe von 35 bisher unveröffentlichten griechischen Papyrusbriefen aus der Papyrussammlung der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek. Die Editionen folgen dem bewährten Schema des Corpus Papyrorum Raineri: Formalbeschreibung, Textedition mit kritischem Apparat, ‹bersetzung, Gesamtdeutung des Textes und Zeilenkommentar. Die Briefe stammen aus dem römischen, byzantinischen und früharabischen Ägypten (2.-7. Jh. n. Chr.). Sie bieten nicht nur dem Papyrologen, sondern auch dem Klassischen Philologen, dem Sprachwissenschaftler, dem Lexikographen, dem Paläographen, dem Althistoriker, dem Rechtshistoriker und dem Byzantinisten vielfältige Informationen zur Entwicklung der spätantiken Epistolographie und der griechischen Sprache ¸ber einen Zeitraum von etwa fünfhundert Jahren. Auflerdem beleuchten die neuen Texte diverse Aspekte der Sozial-, Wirtschafts- und Verwaltungsgeschichte der ausgehenden Antike im Östlichen Mittelmeerraum.
Book xix, 231 p., 33 p. of plates : ill. ; 30 cm.
München : K G Saur, ; ISBN: 359877950X
Source: WorldCat (OCLC 70219560)
Papy-L (May 2006)

A. A. den BRINKER; B. P. MUHS; S. P. VLEEMING, A Berichtigungsliste of demotic documents

A. Papyrus Editions (ISBN: 90-429-1603-6)
B. Ostrakon Editons and Various Publications (ISBN: 90-429-1604-4)

Studia Demotica, 7. A-7.B

Editors: Den Brinker A.A., Muhs B.P., Vleeming S.P.

There seems to be no brief English equivalent for the concept of a «Berichtigungsliste». This demotic «Berichtigungsliste» collects and critically presents corrections and supplements to editions of demotic documentary texts: papyri, ostraka, inscriptions, mummy labels, graffiti - everything demotic that was not clearly written as a secular or religious literary composition. We have added all the information we have found concerning inventory numbers and photographs as well as republications of the texts in question which the scholar working with these texts might like to have. Although the «Berichtigungsliste» chiefly concerns text editions, be they published in monographs or articles, texts that have been published only in photography or facsimile are also included. The period covered for the publications that have been ransacked for the purpose of our «Berichtigungsliste» is roughly the Twentieth Century: 1900-2000. In subsequent volumes, we intend to extend this time-range into the Nineteenth Century as well as into the future."

Year: 2005

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

G. HUGHES, Catalog of Demotic Texts in the Brooklyn Museum

Now available as a pdf file fromthe Oriental Institute:

Catalog of Demotic Texts in the Brooklyn Museum


George R. Hughes, with contributions by Brian P. Muhs and Steve Vinson

Oriental Institute Communications, Number 29

"About the Book
This catalog is intended to be only a checklist of the Brooklyn Museumís collection of 213 Demotic Egyptian texts. The catalog provides both the Museum and Demoticists generally with a list of all the pieces plus only such information as would make the list useful. It is not intended to be a complete publication of the texts with the usual full transliteration, translation, notes, and photographs or drawings. Rather, samples of each type of text (papyri, ostraca, inscribed stone and wooden pieces) are illustrated on the plates and only the more interesting passages in the texts are given in transliteration and translation. The book concludes with key word, name, title, and geographical name indices."

Source: ABZU

B. MUHS, Tax Receipts, Taxpayers, and Taxes in Early Ptolemaic Thebes

Available as a pdf file from the Oriental Institute:

"About the Book
This study is intended not only to publish a number of early Ptolemaic ostraca, but also to place them within the broader socio-historical context of the early Ptolemaic tax system. The study thus begins with a general description of how the ancient Egyptian economy became increasingly monetized from the New Kingdom until the early Ptolemaic period, and how taxes and taxation co-evolved with the economy. Then follows a detailed discussion of specific early Ptolemaic taxes, focusing predominantly (though not exclusively) on source materials from early Ptolemaic Thebes, particularly tax receipts on ostraca. The study continues with a prosopographic analysis of the taxpayers in early Ptolemaic Thebes who are known from multiple tax receipts and other sources such as papyri. This analysis helps establish the date, duration, and frequency of the taxes, and hence their nature. The study culminates in the editions of sixty-one ostraca from Harold Nelson's collection in the Oriental Institute Museum, Chicago. These ostraca are (with one exception) Demotic, Greek and bilingual tax receipts from early Ptolemaic Thebes, representing many of the previously discussed taxes and taxpayers."

Source ABZU

Monday, October 9, 2006

C. ARMONI (ed.), Papyri aus dem Archiv des Königlichen Schreibers Dionysios (P.Heid. IX)

Der Band enthält die kommentierte Edition von 24 dokumentarischen Papyri aus der Sammlung des Seminars für Papyrologie der Universität Heidelberg, die zum Archiv des Königlichen Schreibers Dionysios gehören, eines in Mittelägypten des 2. Jh. v. Chr. tätigen hohen Beamten der Ziviladministration.

Typologisch handelt es sich bei den Texten teils um an Dionysios gerichtete Eingaben, mit denen ihm Bewohner seines Amtsgebiets verschiedene Probleme zur Kenntnis bringen, teils um an Dionysios gesandte Berichte und Mitteilungen seitens anderer Amtskollegen. Sie beleuchten viele Themenbereiche, etwa die Alltagskriminalität (Diebstahl, Körperverletzung, Einbruch, Brandstiftung, Piraterie), das Verhältnis zwischen der Bevölkerung und dem Staatsapparat (Amtsmißbrauch), das Rechtswesen (Formen der Rechtsprechung), das Wirtschaftsleben (insbesondere die Agrikultur).

Neben einer Fülle an interessanten Einzelheiten erhalten die vorgelegten Urkunden dadurch eine ganz besondere Wichtigkeit, daß sie den Akten einer einzigen Verwaltungsbehörde entstammen und somit zu den wenigen Amtsarchiven zählen, die uns aus der Ptolemäerzeit erhalten sind.

Project website

422 Eingabe eines Königlichen Bauern (158 BC)

423 Anzeige wegen Einbruchdiebstahls (158 BC)

424 Berichte an das Königspaar und an einen unbekannten Beamten (161-155 BC)

425 Zwei Entwürfe (158 BC)

426 Mitteilung über eine Brandstiftung (158 BC)

427 Entwurf eines Briefes an Sarapion (158 BC)

428 Raubüberfall auf ein Schiff (158 BC)

429 Entwurf einer Mitteilung (161-155 BC)

430 Fragment einer Ermahnung (161-55 BC)

431 Eingabe der Gänsehirten (158 BC)

432 Fragmentarische Eingabe (161-55 BC)

433 Eingabe eines Pächters Königlichen Landes (161-155 BC)

434 Bericht über einen Diebstahl (161-155 BC)

435 Reste zweier Entwürfe (161-155 BC)

436 Reste dreier (?) Mitteilungen (161-155 BC)

437 Drei Mitteilungen (161-156 BC)

438 Fragmentarische Mitteilungen (157-156 BC)

439 (?)

440 (?)

441 (?)

442 (?)

443 (?)

444 (?)

Hg. v. : Armoni, Charikleia /

Fachgebiet Klassische Philologie und angrenzende Gebiete
Aus der Reihe Veröff. aus d. Heidelb. Papyrussamml.
Heft 12
Seiten/Umfang 16 XVI 159 S. 34 Abb.


Einband: Ln
ISBN: 3-8253-5165-3
Preis: 42.00 Euro
Universitätsverlag Carl Winter
SOURCE: BMCR books received April 2006; WorldCat (Keyword Papyri + Year 2006); Papy-L (date?)

M. SCHENTULHEIT, Aus der Buchhaltung des Weinmagazins im Edfu-Tempel. Der demotische P.Carlsberg 409

This volume is the first edition of an 8.80 m long demotic account papyrus - one of the longest extant papyri. P.Carlsberg 409 provides detailed information on the delivery and distribution of wine at Edfu in the year 132/131 BC, i.e. the 39th regnal year of Ptolemy VIII Euergetes II. The edition contains a palaeographical and philological commentary as well as a study of the administration and economy of the Horus temple at Edfu in Upper Egypt.

P.Carlsberg 409 ist eine demotische Abrechnungsrolle aus dem Horus-Tempel in der oberägyptischen Ortschaft Edfu. Er enthält den Teil der Tempel-Buchhaltung des Jahres 131 v. Chr., des 39. Regierungsjahres Ptolemaios’ VIII. Euergetes’ II. Der Text dokumentiert die Einnahmen und Ausgaben des Weinmagazins des Horus-Tempels und ist sowohl inhaltlich als auch physisch - mit einer Länge von heute noch 8,80 m - eines der außergewöhnlichsten demotischen Dokumente. Der größte Teil der Rolle besteht aus den monatsweise aufgeführten Ein- und Ausgängen an Weinmengen. Unter den Einnahmen sind v.a. die Erntelieferungen aus den tempeleigenen Weingärten und Rückzahlungen von vom Tempel gewährten Darlehen in Naturalien zu nennen. Die Ausgabenposten sind um einiges vielfältiger. So wurden Hand¬werker und Arbeiter mit Wein entlohnt, er wurde gegen Bargeld verkauft, aber auch bei verschiedenen Opfern und Prozessionen benötigt. Besonders interessant ist, daß die namentlich genannten Handwerker am Bau des in der ptolmäischen Bauinschrift des Edfu-Tempels beschriebenen Pronaos beteiligt waren. Ein Teil der erhaltenen Textpassagen konnte in seiner inhaltlichen Bedeutung noch nicht völlig erschlossen werden. Vermutlich betreffen die Aufzeichnungen die (Steuer-)Abgaben von Pächtern der tempeleigenen Weinäcker.
Mit dieser Arbeit wird die Erstedition eines Textes vorgelegt, der in mehreren Punkten Besonderheiten und Schwierigkeiten aufweist. Dazu zählen das Fehlen von Paralleltexten, die Länge der Papyrusrolle und die durch die konservatorischen Maßnahmen ausgelöste Nach¬dunklung des Papyrusmaterials sowie seine starke Fragmentierung. Da die Konservatoren bei der Fixierung der Fragmente zwischen Klebefolien nicht auf die ursprüngliche Abfolge der Fragmente geachtet haben und teilweise sogar falsche Zusammensetzungen vornahmen, standen deshalb die Lesung und Übersetzung sowie die Rekonstruktion des Textes, d.h. die Zusammensetzung der Fragmente sowie die Darstellung des Textaufbaues im Vordergrund. Die Lesungen und Joins wurden während mehrerer Arbeitsaufenthalte (zuletzt September-Oktober 2003) vor Ort überprüft. Ein ausführlicher paläographisch-philologischer Kom¬mentar vervollständigt den ersten Abschnitt der Arbeit. Der zweite Schwerpunkt lag auf der Auswertung der im Text enthaltenen Informationen zu den ökonomischen Verhältnissen im Horus-Tempel, zur Prosopographie sowie zu den erwähnten Festen, Prozessionen und Opfern. Das Buch ermöglicht es sowohl Ägyptologen als auch Wissenschaftlern benachbarter Gebiete wie der Papyrologie und der Alten Geschichte, diesen Text als Quelle für weiterführende Arbeiten zur (Tempel-)Ökonomie und für prosopographische Untersuchungen zu rezipieren. Zahlreiche Indices erleichtern den Zugang und den schnellen Zugriff auf den Text und die Auswertung.

P.Carlsberg 409 ist eines der beiden längsten bekannten demotischen Rechnungsbücher und kann, auch aufgrund fehlender Parallelen, zum Wichtigsten gezählt werden, was es an solchen Texten in demotischer Schrift gibt. Doch da das Material aufgrund der konservatorischen Maßnahmen in wenigen Jahren unwiderbringlich verloren sein wird, drängte eine gründliche Bearbeitung des Textes, die ich in Absprache mit Prof. Dr. Kim Ryholt und Prof. Dr. Karl-Theodor Zauzich von 2001 bis 2004 im Rahmen meiner Doktorarbeit vornahm. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit sollten nun zusammen mit den Photos in guter Qualität veröffentlicht werden, damit etwaige Vorschläge der Fachkollegen zur Lesung möglichst noch am Original überprüft werden können. Hinzu kommt, daß eine weitere Abrechnungsrolle (P.Carlsberg 410) mit ca. 18 m Länge in der Papyrus-Sammlung Carlsberg magaziniert ist, die aus demselben Kontext wie P.Carlsberg 409 stammt. Allerdings ist ihr Erhaltungszustand weitaus schlechter, und sie wird nur im Vergleich mit der besser erhaltenen Rolle zu entziffern und zu interpretieren sein.

Source: WorldCat OCLC 64557414

A. von LIEVEN, J. F. QUACK, and K. RYHOLT, Hieractic Texts from the Collection

The Carlsberg Papyri 7 (CNI 30) is mainly dedicated to hieratic manuscripts from the Tebtunis temple library and contains contributions by Alexandra von Lieven, J. F. Quack, and Kim Ryholt.

The Tebtunis temple library is the only ancient Egyptian temple library of which substantial remains are preserved, and the immense material - estimated at several hundred manuscripts - makes it by far the richest, single source of Egyptian literary texts.

The present volume is introduced by a survey of the hieratic and hieroglyphic manuscripts from the temple library. The main genres are discussed and conclusions are drawn concerning the sort of compositions transmitted in hieratic as well as the cultural values which lie behind the choices.

The survey is followed by full editions of a series of religious texts: an Osiris liturgy (with red dots and crosses which seem to represent a kind of rudimentary musical notation), the Ritual of Bringing Sokar out of the Shetit (previously known only from monumental hieroglyphic versions from temples and manuscripts for funerary use), the Votive Cubit (otherwise known essentially from fragments of the original stone cubits), the Nine-Headed Bes (a parallel to the famous illustrated Brooklyn papyrus but with a fuller description of how the practitioner should proceed), and the Ritual of Opening the Mouth (one version written for Sobek, lord of Tebtunis, the others for Sokar-Osiris). The volume further includes a slip of papyrus with four book-titles, a papyrus with a colored drawing of an offering scene, and a decorated band for tying up a papyrus roll.

With contributions by:
Alexandra von Lieven: Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Ägyptologischen Seminar der Freien Universität Berlin

J. F. Quack: Professur für Ägyptologie, Universität Heidelberg

Kim Ryholt: Associate Professor in Egyptology at the University of Copenhagen and in charge of the Papyrus Carlsberg Collection.

Source: WorldCat

K. RYHOLT, The Petese stories III (P. Petese II)

The Carlsberg Papyri 6 (CNI 29) contains the edition of a new manuscript with Petese Stories from the Tebtunis temple library, dating to the period around 100 AD. The Petese Stories is a compilation of 70 stories about the virtues and vices of women. The numerous stories were compiled on the orders of the prophet Petese of Heliopolis to be a literary testament by which he would be remembered. Petese was, according to literary tradition, Plato’s Egyptian instructor in astrology. The composition seems to have been modeled on the basis of the Myth of the Sun's Eye. The overall structural pattern of the text is very similar to the Arabian Nights; an overarching story forms the introduction as well as the fabric into which the long series of shorter tales is woven. One of the stories preserved in the new manuscript is particularly remarkable in that it is known from a translation by Herodotus, the so-called Pheros Story (Book II, chap. 111).

Source: WorldCat OCLC 64557485

Sunday, October 8, 2006

Adam LAJTAR, Deir El-Bahari in the Hellenistic and Roman periods : a study of an Egyptian temple based on Greek sources

The temple of Queen Hantshepsut at Deir el-Bahari at Luxor is one of the most fascinating architectural monuments of Ancient Egypt. It has been explored and reconstructed by Polish archaeologists for several decades and the present volume is the most recent result of these activities. The author tracks the history of the sanctuary in the Ptolemaic and Roman periods when it housed a lively cult of two Ancient Egyptian "saints", the deified sages Amenhotep son of Hapu and Imhotep. The book contains the complete edition of Greek sources connected to this cult, including 320 inscriptions left by pilgrims on the walls of the temple, as well as several ostraca and votive monuments. On the basis of this material, different aspects of the cult are discussed in a synthetic part of the book. These include: the topography of the cult and its history; gods worshipped in the temple; forms of the cult; the economic side of the cult; the visitors of the temple. The study closes with a chapter devoted to Deir el-Bahari in the Late Antique period when the place was frequented by a pagan corporation of ironworkers from Hermonthis. c. 500p, c. 300 illus (Journal of Juristic Papyrology Supplements 4, 2006)
Book xviii, 462 p., [13] p. of plates : ill., plans ; 30 cm.
Warsaw : Institute of Archaeology, Warsaw and Fundacja im. Rafala Taubenschlaga, ; ISBN: 8391825035 (hbk.)

Source: WorldCat OCLC: 70881587

Multispectral imaging of P.Oxy.

Multispectral imaging
Requires Shockwave-Flash

Gene Ware of Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, visited Oxford in the week of 10 April 2005 to create MSI images, taken at all ranges of the light band, of papyri in Oxford libraries, as part of a project begun in 2002. We scanned portions of the unrolled Herculaneum papyrus in the Bodleian Library and experimented on problematic carbonised and non-carbonised samples in the Oxyrhynchus collection in the Sackler Library, some of them for final checks in texts scheduled for publication in the next two volumes of The Oxyrhynchus Papyri. The results provided many new readings and confirmation of uncertain readings in some problematic areas, none at all in others, depending on settings and surface type. A number of new identifications emerged of literary and documentary texts not previously made by the usual means, together with the isolation of four or five different types of surface and obscurity that respond well or not so well to the BYU process.

Source: Rogue Classicism April 2006.

Wednesday, October 4, 2006

Webcast: Ancient Egypt and the Tebtunis Papyri on the Shore of the Ocean of Stories

Session speakers include Todd Hickey, UC Berkeley, Chair; Brian Muhs, University of Leiden - The Bancroft Library and the Tebtunis Papyri on the Shore of the Ocean of Stories. UC Berkeley’s Bancroft Library presents a two-day symposium celebrating their 100 years of collecting rare and historic documents. Ancient Egypt, CA history, biotechnology, Mark Twain, and the environmental movement are a few of the topics discussed by three dozen scholars and activists.
Feb. 10, 2006
Source webcast.berkeley
Reference ABZU

Sunday, October 1, 2006

Arabic Papyrology Database (APD)

"What is the APD for?

The Arabic Papyrology Database is a tool - a full text database which enables you to access the editions of Arabic documents written on different material as papyrus, parchment and paper. Those editions, with their rich comments, are a nearly unraised treasure on almost every aspect of Islamic history up to the 16th c. A.D.
The entire texts of all documents in stock, found in "Papyri", are searchable on different layers, with variant readings, such as the original version without diacritical punctuation, the one given by the editor, or a latinized version. The tools "Simple search" and "Advanced search" allow to investigate linguistic peculiarities. Each document is also provided with its metadata, amongst others place and date of origin or its genre and the like, e.g. a contract of lease or a petition. For some, we additionally offer a scan of the original.
The APD is the first electronical compilation of Arabic papyri and therefore offers an unprecedented opportunity to compare and investigate Arabic papyri. The Arabic Papyrology Databse is a non-commercial project, running under the patronage of the International Society for Arabic Papyrology (ISAP). Access is free via the Internet."

Functional with Mozilla Firefox only

For example, Texts are entered with accessible meta-data, Arabic text and transliteration:
CPR III 1,1 p. 50 (= P.GrohmannWirtsch. 23): Text
Inv. No.: P.Vind.inv.A.P.1183 recto Rel. Inv. No.: PERF 800 Provenance: Egypt Assumed date: 1. 1. 801 AD 31. 12. 900 AD Material: papyrus Width: 23 cm. Height: 6 cm. Kind: Private letter; list, account Language(s): Arabic Edition(s): Grohmann, CPR III 1,1 p. 50; Grohmann, Wirtschaftsgeschichte 23 Literature: Karabacek, PERF 800 Translation(s): Grohmann, CPR III 1,1 p. 50; Grohmann, Wirtschaftsgeschichte 23 Image(s): Grohmann, Wirtschaftsgeschichte pl. LI
Line 2:
‮ـ صاپون ‫χ‬ شمع ‫α‬ ڤراطپس ‫α‬ سكر ‫α‬ ورعڤران ‫χ‬ حور وڤستق وپندق ‫ʹβ‬ ـ‬ 2
CPR III 1,1 p. 50 (= P.GrohmannWirtsch. 23):  2

• Plain line:
• ‮ـ صاپون ‫χ‬ شمع ‫α‬ ڤراطپس ‫α‬ سكر ‫α‬ ورعڤران ‫χ‬ حور وڤستق وپندق ‫ʹβ‬ ـ‬ 
• Plain words:
• ‮ صاپون  ‪ χ  ‬ شمع  ‪ α  ‬ ڤراطپس  ‪ α  ‬ سكر  ‪ α  ‬ ورعڤران  ‪ χ  ‬ حور  وڤستق  وپپدق  ‪ ʹβ  ‬ ‏ 
‭ ‫ڤراطپس‬ :sīn with dash above
• Full dots:
• ‮ صابون  ‪ χ  ‬ شمع  ‪ α  ‬ قراطيس  ‪ α  ‬ سكّر  ‪ α  ‬ وزعفران  ‪ χ  ‬ جوز  وفستق  وبندق  ‪ ʹβ 
• Full dots & vowels:
• ‮ صَابُونٌ  ‪ χ  ‬ شَمْعٌ  ‪ α  ‬ قَرَاطِيسُ  ‪ α  ‬ سُكَّرٌ  ‪ α  ‬ وَزَعْفَرَانٌ  ‪ χ  ‬ جَوْزٌ  وَفُسْتُقٌ  وَبُنْدُقٌ  ‪ ʹβ 
• Latinized:
• ṣābūn:un  1/2  šamʿ:un  1  qarāṭīsu  1  sukkar:un  1  wa  zaʿfarān:un  1/2  ǧawz:un  wa  fustuq:un  wa  bunduq:un  2 
• Translation:
• Seife 1/2; Kerzen 1; Papyrusrollen 1; Zucker 1; und Safran 1/2; Nüsse, Pistazien und Haselnüsse 1, ............   // Seife 1/2; Kerzen 1; Papyrusrollen 1; Zucker 1; und Safran 1/2; Nüsse, Pistazien und Haselnüsse 1.   // Seife 1/2; Kerzen 1; Papyrusrollen 1; Zucker 1; und Safran 1/2; Nüsse, Pistazien und Haselnüsse 2.   
(Grohmann, Wirtschaftsgeschichte 23);   (AK);  
• Lexicon:
• ṣābūn:  [ṣbn ] – n. – šamʿ:  [šmʿ ] – n. (collective) – qirṭās:  [qrṭs ] – n. – sukkar:  [skr ] – n. (collective) – wa:  [w ] – conj. – ø zaʿfarān:  [zʿfrn ] – n. – ǧawz:  [ǧwz ] – n. (collective) – fustuq:  [fstq ] – n. (collective) – bunduq:  [bndq ] – n. (collective) –

Demotische Literaturübersicht

Demotistische Literaturübersicht

featured in the journal Enchoria since 1971


H.J. Thissen (DL 1-19/20)
H. Felber (DL 20-24)
M. Depauw & F. Hoffmann (DL 25-)

Online version by the project Multilingualism and Multiculturalism in Graeco-Roman Egypt

General coordination: M. Depauw
Database structure (Filemaker 7): S. Gülden
Online version (PHP & MySQL): B. Van Beek
Data assembly and processing: M. Depauw, S. Eslah, S. Gülden, M. Kromer
Based on a database of H.J. Thissen and with the cooperation of F. Hoffmann

This online version of instalments 1-27 (& 28 without summaries) has been made possible by the authors of the DL-summaries, the editors of Enchoria and Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden.

Source: Papy-L May 2006

Journal of Juristic Papyrology 34 (2004)

Table of Contents
In Memoriam Hanna Geremek (1930-2004)

Roger S. Bagnall,
The Last Donkey Sacrifice at Deir el-Bahri

Gerald. M. Browne,
An Old Nubian Inscription from Banganarti Church

Willy Clarysse,

Pierre-Louis Gatier,
Une étape de Zénon de Caunos en Transjordanie (P. Lond. VII 1930)

Nikolaos Gonis,
Permission to Circumcise

Hans Hauben,
Heraiscus as Melitian Bishop of Heracleopolis Magna and the Alexandrian See

Maarten Horn,
Two Coptic Inscriptions from the Monastery of Jeremiah at Saqqara

Claudia Kreuzsaler,
Ho hierotatos Neilos auf einer Nilstandsmarkierung aus christlicher Zeit

Adam Lajtar,
Varia Nubica VIII-IX

Adam Lajtar,
A Note on a Greek Graffito from Deir el-Medina

Johannes Platschek,
Zum Formular des dakischen Arbeitsverträge

C. Sanchez-Moreno Ellart,
Notes on Some New Issues Concerning the Birth Certificates of Roman Citizens

Jacques van der Vliet, I.
Varsovie: Graeco-Coptica

Ewa Wipszycka, Church Treasures of Byzantine Egypt
Dwight W. Young, A Sequential Inventory of Manuscripts of Shenute's Ninth Canon

Review of Books