Sunday, January 31, 2010


Gravensteen is one of the castles of the Count of Flanders. It's located in the middle of Gent (Ghent in English) and it's an excellent example of an early medieval castle (extensively restored).

Anyone descended from William the conqueror is also a descendant of the early counts of Flanders (Baldwin IV, V, VI, Arnulf II)1 since William married Matilda of Flanders, the daughter of Baldwin VI (1030 - 1070). These early counts built a wooden fort on the site of the present castle. The present stone structure dates from about 1180 [Gravensteen].

I especially liked the back of the castle where the kitchen was located because it hasn't been completely restored and you get an idea of what Gravensteen must have looked like for most of the last five hundred years.

Even though it was a cloudy day, the view from the ramparts was spectacular. Gent is a beautiful city.

We spent a great deal of time in the torture chamber and Ms. Sandwalk took lots of pictures of the various instruments used to "persuade" the prisoners. She also got pictures of the guillotine that was used in the late 1700's and early 1800's.

Here's one of the more pleasant images.

[Photo Credits: top [Wikipedia], all others are by Ms. Sandwalk.

1. Assuming, that is, that you are a descendant of one of his legitimate children.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Hermann HARRAUER, Handbuch der griechischen Paläographie

Hermann Harrauer
Handbuch der griechischen Paläographie
Band 20 der Reihe "Bibliothek des Buchwesens"
Anton Hierseman Verlag
ISBN 978-3-7772-0925-8
2010, Gebunden, XIII, 534 Seiten, 24 x 16 mm

188,00 €


Konzipiert ist dieses umfangreiche Handbuch der Paläographie als Leitfaden für das Selbststudium.

Die Paläographie der griechischen Kursivschriften auf Papyri und verwandten Schriftträgern vom 4. Jahrhundert vor bis zum 8. Jahrhundert nach Christus wird anhand von 301 datierten Dokumenten im Abstand von jeweils zehn Jahren beispielhaft analysiert: Der buchstabengetreuen Transkription folgt eine Beschreibung der charakteristischen Buchstabenformen, die bestimmende Datierungskriterien darstellen und somit die Datierung weiterer Schriftstücke ermöglichen.

Dem analytischen Teil gehen Dokumentationen zu Schreibmaterialien, charakteristischen Buchstabenformen, Schreiberbezeichnungen, Schreiberlohn, Schriftwesen (Abbreviatur, Zahlschreibung, Kurzschrift, Isopsephie, Schreibstile) voraus. Indices erschliesen das Handbuch für Detailfragen.

Das Buch besteht aus einem Text- und einem Tafelband (ISBN Tafelband inkl. DVD mit 272 Farbwiedergaben von Schriftstücken auf Papyri, die im Buch in schwarzweiss abgedruckt sind:


EXHBITION at Augsburg: novum opus ex veteri Vom Judas-Evangelium zur Furtmeyr-Bibel

Source: Evangelical Textual Criticism Blog

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Review of Lorenza Savignago, Eisthesis: Il sistema dei margini nei papiri dei poeti tragici

Lorenza Savignago, Eisthesis: Il sistema dei margini nei papiri dei poeti tragici. Minima philologica 3.   Alessandria:  Edizioni dell'Orso, 2008.  Pp. 356.  ISBN 9788862740951.  €25.00 (pb).

Reviewed by C. Michael Sampson, St. Olaf College (
Word count: 1638 words

Savignago's monograph represents the culmination of over a decade's work and is the first (to my knowledge) of its kind,1 comprising some fifty-eight case studies of tragic papyri whose columns have irregular left-hand margins--i.e. some of whose verses are indented to various degrees relative to one another. The Aristophanic scholia vetera describe such alternations of margin with the terms eisthesis (indentation) and its opposite ekthesis. These variations appear in tragic papyri in a variety of contexts, but usually for the purpose of marking metrical change, from sections of trimeters to tetrameters or to lyrics, etc. The volume is to be welcomed, not only because its case studies tidily collect the relevant data and scholarship, but also because the analysis of marginal variation opens up a variety of scholarly issues--reconstructing metrical features and fragmentary plays, as well as clarifying extant tragedies' textual history. Those with interests in the individual passages or fragments in question will find it a helpful resource; Savignago grasps well the technical problems pertaining to the papyri, and the bibliography is rich and multilingual.

etc. at BMCR

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Review of BAGNALL, Early Christian Books in Egypt

As noted on the Evangelical Textual Criticism blog.


Yesterday we took Zoë on her first major outing. We visited the site of the battle of Waterloo. Here's a photo of Jane, Michael, and Zoë in front of the entrance to the visitor center located on the ridge overlooking the farms of La Haye Sainte and Hougoumont. This was the location of some of the bloodiest fighting of the entire battle (Ney's cavalry charge and the attack of the Imperial Guard).

Today there's a huge artificial hill on the site. You can climb the stairs to the top and see the entire battlefield.

The last time I visited Waterloo was 35 years ago with our niece and nephew. Ever since I've wanted to take my own kids to see this famous site and yesterday was the day for Jane and my new granddaughter. My son Gordon will be so sad that he missed this battlefield () but since he'll be here in a few months I'm sure his sister will take him to Waterloo.

For more pictures, see Family Outing.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Difference between Truth and Framing

Chris Mooney is at it again. This time he address the question What Should Science Organizations Say About Religion? Answer: A Lot.

It's the accommodationist debate all over again although this time it's more focused. What should scientific organizations say about the compatibility of science and religion? It seems like an question with an obvious answer. Since there is considerable debate about whether science and religion are compatible then there can't be a definitive answer. Why would any scientific organization claim that science and religion are compatible? It's not a scientific question and it's not a true statement. The correct statement is that philosophers are debating the issue. It may be true that science and religion are compatible or it may be true that science and religion are not compatible. That's all that scientific organizations should say.

Chris Mooney thinks that scientific organizations should not tell the truth. He says that in the interest of American politics these organizations should lie about the compatibility issue. They should say that science and religion are compatible. It's called "framing."

I call it lying.
Aware of this context, groups like the National Center for Science Education (NCSE) take a stance likely to help some religious believers reject what they’ve been told from the pulpit, and move toward a more moderate stance on science and religion–in essence, from anti-science fundamentalism to middle-ground reconciliationism. To this end, NCSE states something factually true and indeed, undeniable: that not every religious person thinks science and religion are incompatible.

The veracity of this statement is not really open to debate. The issue here is simply whether such people exist, and of that there’s no doubt whatsoever. In this blunt factual sense, at least, science and religion are compatible–they are reconciled all the time by actual living, breathing human beings. You might take issue with the logical basis for such reconciliation in a particular mind, but you can’t deny that it happens regularly.
Wow! According to this kind of "framing," science is compatible with Young Earth Creationism because it's undeniable that there are YEC's who are scientists. There are actual living breathing human beings who have no problem reconciling science and Genesis. I wonder if Chris Mooney would be comfortable if NCSE and NAS declared that science is compatible with the Bible?

Of course he wouldn't. Chris Mooney only wants scientific organizations to lie according to his version of reality.

A Philosopher's View of "Darwinism"

Most people think of "Darwinism" as equivalent to "evolution" but that can't be right. There are some mechanisms of evolutionary change—like random genetic drift—that clearly don't fall under the general beliefs of Darwin and his modern followers.

In today's terminology, Darwinism refers to a worldview that emphasizes natural selection as the most important mechanism of evolutionary change. Some extreme Darwinists even deny that change by random genetic drift counts as evolution.

Those of us who adhere to a broader view of evolution are called "pluralists" because we we consider several different mechanisms of evolution and several different levels of evolutionary change.

Jim Lennox is a philosopher. He has written a revised version of the "Darwinism" entry in Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy [Darwinism]. Now we all know that philosophers can be wordy, if it can be said by a normal person in two paragraphs then a philosopher can't possible write anything less than a small book. However, at the very least you expect to see a conclusion that makes sense. Is "Darwinism" a viable position in the 21st century? What does "pluralism" mean?

And wouldn't you expect a serious discussion of adaptationism and how it relates to Darwinism? I would.

Read the entry and see if you can decide whether "Darwinism" is a good synonym for "evolution."

[Hat Tip: John Wilkins]

Monday, January 18, 2010

Epigenetics and the Calico Cat

This is our friendly calico cat. She lives on the farm where we are staying. Almost all calico cats are female—do you know why? It has something to do with epigenetics.

See: Calico Cats—it's one of my most popular postings.

Can anyone explain how some very rare calico cats might be male?

[Photo by Ms. Sandwalk]

Name This Tree

Seriously, what kind of tree is this? It grows in Belgium.

[Photo by Ms. Sandwalk]

Who Does This Remind You Of?


[Photo by Ms. Sandwalk]

DM Jos. van Haelst

Author of Catalogue des papyrus littéraires juifs et chrétiens (Paris 1976).

A Discussion of NT textual variation in P.Oxy. XXIV 2383

Saturday, January 16, 2010

75 jaar Leids Papyrologisch Instituut

Op 19 januari 2010 is het precies 75 jaar geleden dat de 'Stichting het Leids Papyrologisch Instituut' werd opgericht - het enige papyrologische instituut in Nederland.

Friday, January 15, 2010

REVIEW: Heinz Heinen, Kleopatra-Studien: Gesammelte Schriften zur ausgehenden Ptolemäerzeit

Heinz Heinen, Kleopatra-Studien: Gesammelte Schriften zur ausgehenden Ptolemäerzeit. Xenia Bd. 49. Konstanz: UVK, Univ.-Verlag Konstanz, 2009. Pp. 364. ISBN 9783879408184. €39.00.

Reviewed by Peter C. Nadig, Freie Universität Berlin (
Word count: 1296 words

Kleopatra-Studien contains nine studies by Heinz Heinen primarily on the late Ptolemaic period published between 1966 and 2009. One of Heinen's main research areas is the Hellenistic world with a special focus on Egypt. Only the last paper is published here for the first time. All contributions were newly typeset and are presented in chronological order starting with the oldest. Three essays that recently have been republished in another volume of 29 selected writings by Heinen are marked with an asterisk.
Etc. at BMCR

Thursday, January 14, 2010

New Frr. of the Gospel of Judas in Coptic

A preliminary transcription (G. Wurst) and translation (M Meyer) is given at the link above.
Source: M. Meyer's webpage, via Evangelical Textual Criticism

Monday, January 11, 2010

Herent Belgium

We're staying in a town called Herent, in Belgium. Our apartment is in a renovated manor house on a working farm (goats, chickens, ponies, cat).

Herent is a few kilometers north of Leuvan and only 20 minutes from Jane, Michael and our new granddaughter Zoë.

It's an easy drive back and forth except for the snow and Belgium drivers. Today we're off to our first babysitting job!!!!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

APA -American Society of Papyrologists session today


Culture and Society in Greek, Roman and Early Byzantine Egypt
Sponsored by the American Society of Papyrologists
11:15 A.M. – 1:15 P.M. Elite Ballroom 3
Raffaella Cribiore, Organizer

1. Stephen Kidd, New York University
A Greco-Demotic Dream Text and Oneirocritic
Bilingualism (15

2. . Roberta Mazza, University of California, Santa Barbara
A Rosy Lotus for Antinoos (15 mins.)

3. Laura Banducci, University of Michigan
Discarded Books and Archives in Roman Egypt

4. Kevin Wilkinson, Yale University
A Greek Ancestor of the Medieval sortes sanctorum

5. James Keenan, Loyola University of Chicago
Byzantine Egypt: State of the Questions (15 mins.)

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Critical Thinking

Phil Plait of Bad Astronomy posted this video from QualiaSoup. It's one of the best descriptions of critical thinking I've ever seen. Critical thinking is what we're supposed to be teaching our students in school and university.

We're not doing a very good job.

Homeopathy and Avogadro's Number

Avogadro's Number, or it's more modern equivalent, Avogadro's Constant, is 6.022 × 1023 mol-1.

There's a new website called "Homeopathy: There's nothing in it" that explains why Avogadro's Number is important in understanding why homeopathy is a fraud.

[Hat Tip: Phil Plait]

Zoë Jane

This is my new granddaughter, Zoë Jane. Congratulations to my daughter Jane and her husband Michael. In a few hours we'll be flying to Paris then taking a train to Brussels to visit them. Meanwhile, there are more pictures at The First Picture's on Ms. Sandwalk's blog and a video of her first bath on Jane and Michael's blog [Zoë's First Bath].

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

J. MANNING, The Last Pharaohs: Egypt Under the Ptolemies, 305-30 BC

The Last Pharaohs:
Egypt Under the Ptolemies, 305-30 BC
J. G. Manning

Cloth | 2010 | $39.50 / £27.95
282 pp. | 6 x 9 | 16 halftones. 2 tables.
e-Book | 2009 | $39.50 | ISBN: 978-1-4008-3164-7

The history of Ptolemaic Egypt has usually been doubly isolated--separated both from the history of other Hellenistic states and from the history of ancient Egypt. The Last Pharaohs, the first detailed history of Ptolemaic Egypt as a state, departs radically from previous studies by putting the Ptolemaic state firmly in the context of both Hellenistic and Egyptian history. More broadly still, J. G. Manning examines the Ptolemaic dynasty in the context of the study of authoritarian and premodern states, shifting the focus of study away from modern European nation-states and toward ancient Asian ones. By analyzing Ptolemaic reforms of Egyptian economic and legal structures, The Last Pharaohs gauges the impact of Ptolemaic rule on Egypt and the relationships that the Ptolemaic kings formed with Egyptian society. Manning argues that the Ptolemies sought to rule through--rather than over--Egyptian society. He tells how the Ptolemies, adopting a pharaonic model of governance, shaped Egyptian society and in turn were shaped by it. Neither fully Greek nor wholly Egyptian, the Ptolemaic state within its core Egyptian territory was a hybrid that departed from but did not break with Egyptian history. Integrating the latest research on archaeology, papyrology, theories of the state, and legal history, as well as Hellenistic and Egyptian history, The Last Pharaohs draws a dramatically new picture of Egypt's last ancient state.
J. G. Manning is professor of classics and history at Yale University, and a senior research scholar at Yale Law School. He is the author of Land and Power in Ptolemaic Egypt and the coeditor of The Ancient Economy: Evidence and Models.
"This fascinating book has broad views that should appeal to many people who are neither specialists on ancient Egypt nor the ancient Greek world. J. G. Manning has a perfect knowledge of his subject."--Alain Bresson, University of Chicago
"Most scholars who study Ptolemaic Egypt are specialists in either Greek or Egyptian demotic papyrology, work below the level of large-scale narrative, and write technical studies that are not always accessible to historians. And the evidence from Ptolemaic Egypt is often considered parochial since Egypt is thought of as unique in the ancient world. J. G. Manning's book answers all these problems. Leaving the niche of technical papyrology and showing convincingly why Ptolemaic Egypt is important for the study of state formation and the ancient economy, he approaches the period as a real historian and puts his subject in the context of current international scholarly debate. The Last Pharaohs will impress ancient historians in general, and should make the Ptolemaic state an important case study in the literature on authoritarian states and state formation."--Katelijn Vandorpe, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Table of Contents:

List of Illustrations ix
Preface xi
Abbreviations xv
CHAPTER 1: Egypt in the First Millennium BC 19
CHAPTER 2: The Historical Understanding of the Ptolemaic State 29
CHAPTER 3: Moving beyond Despotism, Economic Planning, and State Banditry 55
Ptolemaic Egypt as a Premodern State
CHAPTER 4: Shaping a New State 73
The Political Economy of the Ptolemies
CHAPTER 5: Creating a New Economic Order 117
Economic Life and Economic Policy under the Ptolemies
CHAPTER 6: Order and Law 165
Shaping the Law in a New State
CHAPTER 7: Conclusions 202
The Trial Record of the Property Dispute Held at the Temple of Wepwawet in Asyut, Upper Egypt, 170 BC before the Local Laokritai-judges
Bibliography 217
Index 259
Index of Sources 263

Subject Areas:

    Monday, January 4, 2010

    Paper: E. FROOD: Claiming Space and Memory: the Development of Priestly Inscriptional Practices in Late New Kingdom Egypt

    A report of this paper is posted at the Current Epigraphy blog, linked above.

    Ancient Society 39 (2009)

    Ancient Society
    Volume 39

    1 - 34 -
    The Use and Abuse of Historians
    Polybios' Book XII and our Evidence for Timaios
    BARON, Christopher

    35 - 53 -
    Alessandro, Sparta e la guerra di vendetta contro i Persiani
    MONTI, Giustina

    55 - 69 -
    'Nectanébo-le-faucon' et la dynastie lagide
    GORRE, Gilles
    Abstract :
    The cult of Nectanebo II is well documented in the Ptolemaic period. As is clear from Egyptian source material, the clergy of his cult functioned continuously from the XXXth Dynasty to the end of the 3rd century BC at least. In the Alexander romance Nectanebo also appears as father of the conqueror. The present paper investigates the link between the memory of the king and the Ptolemaic royal cult.

    71 - 97 -
    Greek Polytheophoric Names
    An Onomastic Fashion of Roman Egypt
    BENAISSA, Amin
    Abstract :
    Greek personal names joining the names of two deities (e.g. Hermeracles) have long been known to be characteristic of Roman Egypt, but have never been studied comprehensively. This article offers an overview of the formation, variety and distribution of these ‘polytheophoric’ names, an exploration of their relation to traditional Greek and Egyptian onomastic practice, and some remarks on their socio-religious significance. It emerges that such names were popular especially between the second and the fourth centuries, followed regional preferences, and reflect an elite milieu in the metropoleis of Roman Egypt grounded in Hellenistic interpretations of Egyptian religion. A list of polytheophoric names preserved in documentary papyri and inscriptions (excluding names in -άμμων) is appended.

    99 - 109 -
    Les collecteurs de taxes à Jêmé d'Auguste à Claude
    Abstract :
    Étude des collecteurs de taxes qui travaillaient pour la banque de Jêmé durant la première moitié du premier siècle de notre ère. La première partie dresse une liste des ostraca portant la mention de la formule «parmi les hommes de» (hn n3 rmt.w n) qui indique que le contribuable faisait partie d’un groupe qui payait ses impôts auprès d’une collecteur attitré. L’examen de ces documents permet d’isoler presque une vingtaine de noms de collecteurs et de mettre en relief la dualité de la documentation fiscale. Ainsi, à côté des reçus en bonne et due forme ont fleuri des reçus officieux liés à l’activité des collecteurs. Notamment, des ‘fantômes’ de reçus remis au contribuable lorsque le collecteur avait oublié le document officiel ainsi qu’une catégorie de pièces dans lesquelles le collecteur déclare avoir perçu le montant de l’impôt de la part du contribuable dont la fonction nous échappe. Ce dossier permet enfin d’établir une chronologie assez précise de la diffusion du grec dans l’administration fiscale de Haute Égypte: le dernier reçu démotique officiel est daté de 40, le dernier reçu officieux de 56/57.

    111 - 120 -
    Der Begriff κολων(ε)ια in den ägyptischen Papyri
    DIETZE-MAGER, Gertrud
    Abstract :
    While it is a known fact that no Roman coloniae, i.e. self-governed cities of Roman law in which all citizens possessed Roman citizenship, were founded in Egypt, the term colonia transcribed into Greek appears in several papyri of the Roman period. This paper discusses the relevant sources and tries to determine the reality behind the term. The author comes to the conclusion that the Egyptian coloniae were veteran settlements. They do not seem to have been widespread. They possessed certain corporative rights, but no self-government. As such they are different from the known coloniae in other provinces.

    121 - 169 -
    Livia before Octavian
    HUNTSMAN, Eric D.

    171 - 184 -
    Glimpses of Vertical Integration/Disintegration in Ancient Rome
    SILVER, Morris

    185 - 202 -
    Hermas' 'Biography'
    Social Upward and Downward Mobility of an Independent Freedman
    WEISS, Alexander

    203 - 243 -
    Encroachment in the Eastern Mediterranean between the Fourth and the Seventh Century AD
    JACOBS, Ine

    245 - 259 -
    Isiaca and Aegyptiaca de l'Antiquité tardive et du Haut Moyen Âge
    PODVIN, Jean-Louis
    Abstract :
    A plusieurs reprises, des objets en relation avec les cultes isiaques (isiaca) ou avec l’Égypte (aegyptiaca) ont été retrouvés dans un contexte de l’Antiquité tardive ou du Haut Moyen Âge. Que penser de ces découvertes? Pour tenter de répondre à cette question, nous avons essayé de recenser ces différents documents et de les regrouper en plusieurs catégories.
    La première concerne les objets découverts dans des tombes mérovingiennes ou considérées comme telles. Le plus souvent, le contexte exact de leur découverte manque de fiabilité, notamment à cause de l’absence de stratigraphie car ces fouilles furent, pour la plupart, effectuées au XIXe siècle. Il paraît difficile d’attribuer à ces aegyptiaca un rôle religieux véritable, à quelques exceptions près.
    La deuxième catégorie rassemble des isiaca retrouvés dans des fondations d’églises ou à proximité immédiate de celles-ci. Il est tentant d’y voir la continuité de l’occupation de l’espace sacré, sans doute par la volonté de la nouvelle religion de christianiser un lieu païen mais, là encore, le manque de précision dans la mention des découvertes pose problème.
    Enfin, un dernier ensemble regroupe les isiaca réutilisés dans ces mêmes édifices religieux, que ce soit dans les murs, pour les chapiteaux ou la statuaire.
    En résumé, il semble difficile d’affirmer que les cultes isiaques ont survécu longtemps parmi les habitants de la fin de l’Antiquité tardive et du Haut Moyen Âge. Tout au plus peut-on constater que des aegyptiaca ou isiaca ont été réutilisés dans un but talismanique chez certains, esthétique pour d’autres, utilitaire pour les dernier

    261 - 281 -
    Divine Mission and Human Destiny
    Maurice Druon's Alexander Romance Fifty Years Later
    HAUBEN, Hans
    Abstract :
    Written on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the publication of Maurice Druon’s historical novel on Alexander the Great (1958), the present article aims at putting this literary product in its historical context: the personal and familial background and literary career of the famous French novelist (1918-2009), the social and ideological shifts of the late 1950s, other contemporary Alexander novels like those of Roger Peyrefitte and Julien Tondriau. Having stated the value and impact of high-quality historical novels in general, the article analyzes the proper qualities and basic ideas of Druon’s narrative, which presents itself as the diary of Alexander’s main seer Aristandros. Inspired in part by certain ‘egyptosophic’ currents, the author tries to detect a global, basically religious, sense in history. Interpreted as one of the great ‘divine bastards’ of humankind, the Macedonian king is credited with a providential rôle. The study concludes with a rudimentary attempt to confront some aspects of Drion’s seductive views with Alexander’s own ideas and historical reality.

    Ancient Society 28 (2008) Festschrift Hans Hauben

    Ancient Society
    Festschrift Hans Hauben
    Volume 38

    1 - 21 -
    Hégémonie et autonomie: Les petites poleis dans les Helléniques de Xénophon
    DAVERIO ROCCHI, Giovanna
    abstract details download pdf

    23 - 38 -
    Organizzazione degli spazi urbani e politica
    Il posto della scholé nella città ideale di Aristotele

    39 - 82 -
    The Power Struggle of the Diadochoi in Babylon, 323 BC
    MEEUS, Alexander

    83 - 101 -
    La 'stèle de Saïs' et l'instauration du culte d'Arsinoé II dans la chôra
    Abstract :
    A new translation of the so-called ‘Saïs stela’ shows that the entire document concerns the institution of the cult of Queen Arsinoe II in the chôra in the 20th year of Ptolemy II. This event can be linked with the assigning of part of the apomoira to the same cult in year 21 and with some economical measures taken in the same period. Since the cult of Arsinoe II had been first established in Alexandria some five years earlier, the initial reason for instituting it must be interpreted as a mere family matter. It would appear that the will to include the Egyptian population in her worship only arose at a later date.

    103 - 135 -
    The Expulsion of Cleopatra VII: Context, Causes, and Chronology
    PEEK, Cecilia M.
    Abstract :
    This article treats the removal of Cleopatra from her throne and from her country in the early part of her reign. Near the end of Cleopatra’s life, when she had no remaining hope that she could withstand Octavian, we are told that Egypt offered to rise and fight the enemy on her behalf. This offer suggests that Cleopatra had achieved great popularity as the ruler of Egypt. But she had not always been so secure in her position—early in her career she had, in fact, been deposed and driven out of Egypt. This article attempts to answer several disputed questions about the details of this deposition. Who were Cleopatra’s enemies? Why did they oppose her? When and how did they succeed in excluding a sitting queen from power? Existing analyses attempt to explicate some of these mysteries, but they fail, I believe, to account fully for the ancient evidence, and to describe the conclusions that must be drawn from that evidence. Taking documentary and literary evidence into consideration, I attempt to reconsider the matter. The ancient sources point to a more limited number of enemies than is sometimes believed, a much later date than is always asserted, and motives and methods that have largely been ignored.

    137 - 152 -
    Polybius II 24
    Roman Manpower and Greek Propaganda
    ERDKAMP, Paul

    153 - 181 -
    Staging Power and Authority at Roman Auctions

    183 - 196 -
    The Foundation Year of Samaria-Sebaste and its Chronological Implications
    MAHIEU, Bieke

    197 - 219 -
    Roman Economic Policies during the Third Century AD: The Evidence of the tituli picti on Oil Amphorae

    221 - 234 -
    The pedites nudati again: Two Matters Pertaining to Late-Roman Infantry Equipment
    CHARLES, Michael B.

    235 - 283 -
    Child Slaves at Work in Roman Antiquity
    LAES, Christian

    285 - 316 -
    Lists of Gods on Papyri and in the Hermeneumata Pseudo-Dositheana
    A Comparative Study
    Abstract :
    Lists of divinities are a standard part of the thematic glossaries of the bilingual schoolbook Hermeneumata Pseudo-Dositheana, of which different versions have been preserved mainly in Western manuscripts of the 9th and 10th centuries. On the other hand, several monolingual as well as bilingual god-lists are extant in papyri from the 3rd cent. BC to the 3rd-4th cent. AD. This article offers a detailed comparison of these ancient and medieval lists (including those of the Hermeneumata Celtis) in order to determine whether there is some kind of continuity from the ancient god-lists found in papyri and ostraca to the lists in the medieval manuscripts of the Hermeneumata. We are able to show that there was at least an undeniable general correspondence between the two groups of texts, and to reveal their connection with ancient lexicographical literature. At the same time, the dissimilarities within and between the two groups seem to confirm the opinion of Dionisotti that we cannot speak of a traditional stemma or of an ‘archetype’ for the Hermeneumata schoolbooks in general nor for each of its sections.

    Clarysse - Thompson, P.Count (Corrected edition) in paperback


     (ISBN-13: 9780521124836)
    • Also available in Hardback
    • Published December 2009

    In stock

    $39.99 (G)
    The historical studies of this second volume provide a new look at the economic and social history of Ptolemaic Egypt. The salt-tax registers of P.Count not only throw light on key aspects of the fiscal policy of the Greek pharaohs but also provide the best information for family and household structure for the Western world before the fifteenth century AD. The makeup of the population is thoroughly analysed here in both demographic and occupational terms. A constant theme running throughout is the impact of the Greeks on the indigenous population of Egypt. This is traced in cultural policies, in administrative geography, in the realm of stock-rearing and in the changing religious affiliations traceable through the names that parents gave their children. The extent to which Egypt is typical of the Hellenistic world more widely is the final topic addressed.


    1. Ptolemies, taxes and papyri; 2. The census; 3. The salt-tax and other taxes; 4. Settlement in the Fayum; 5. The people counted; 6. Counting the animals; 7. Family matters; 8. Naming the people; 9. Conclusion; Appendix; Bibliography; Index.

    Sunday, January 3, 2010

    APF 55.1 (2009)

    Scholien zu Kallimachos' Iambus XII in einem neuen Papyrusfragment (P.Lips. Inv. 290v, Fr. b)
    Daniela Colomo (Oxford)
    Citation Information. Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete. Volume 55, Issue 1, Pages 1–20, ISSN (Online) 1867-1551, ISSN (Print) 0066-6459, DOI: 10.1515/APF.2009.1, /September/2009

    In this contribution a papyrus fragment of the Leipzig Papyrus- und Ostrakasammlung is published for the first time. It contains scholia to Callimachus' Iambus XII. The importance of this fragment lies in the new textual elements that contribute to the reconstruction of verses 2 and 3. The textual explanations offer some clues to the content of the lost section of Iambus XII.

    A proposito di alcuni papiri berlinesi con Scholia Minora all'Iliade
    Davide Muratore (Genova)
    Citation Information. Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete. Volume 55, Issue 1, Pages 21–31, ISSN (Online) 1867-1551, ISSN (Print) 0066-6459, DOI: 10.1515/APF.2009.21, /September/2009

    Editions, studies, repertories and web sites dedicated to the Scholia Minora in Homerum testify to the growing interest in these exegetical texts preserved on papyrus. A reconsideration of already published papyri – such as P. Berol. inv. 5014, 11518 and 21306 which constitute the object of the present paper – can often be fruitful, when accompanied by a new inspection and a closer examination in the light of parallel texts.

    Zum Prosatext des homerischen Fragments P.Heid. IV 289
    Amphilochios Papathomas (Athen)
    Citation Information. Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete. Volume 55, Issue 1, Pages 32–35, ISSN (Online) 1867-1551, ISSN (Print) 0066-6459, DOI: 10.1515/APF.2009.32, /September/2009

    The article offers a new interpretation of a prose fragment that is linked to the Homeric cycle and is preserved in the literary papyrus P.Heid. IV 289.1–6. So far the fragment has been correlated to the Cypria, yet the article shows such a correlation to be not without problems and suggests that the fragment should rather be examined together with a Homeric scholion by Porphyry. Since the papyrus is a century earlier than Porphyry, it should be inferred that either the papyrus preserves the source of Porphyry's scholion or that the two texts have the same older mythographical source in common.

    Zur Anzahl der an den Lenäen von den Tragikern aufgeführten Dramen
    Wolfgang Luppe (Halle/Saale)
    Citation Information. Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete. Volume 55, Issue 1, Pages 36–39, ISSN (Online) 1867-1551, ISSN (Print) 0066-6459, DOI: 10.1515/APF.2009.36, /September/2009

    Following the communis opinio tragic poets presented at the Athenian Lenaia only two tragedies, but no satyric play. A revision of the main source IG II2 2319 makes it probable that they presented three tragedies and a satyr play too, just like at the Dionysia.

    Neue Vorschläge zu einigen Demosthenes-Papyri
    Jana Grusková (Bratislava/Wien)
    Citation Information. Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete. Volume 55, Issue 1, Pages 40–53, ISSN (Online) 1867-1551, ISSN (Print) 0066-6459, DOI: 10.1515/APF.2009.40, /September/2009

    This paper presents new readings in several papyri of Demosthenes: P.Sorb. I 6, P.Oxy. LXII 4314+P.Oxy. LXX 4764, P.Oxy. LXII 4318, P.Oxy. LXII 4319, P.Oxy. LXII 4320, P.Oxy. XV 1810 and P.Oxy. LXII 4324. It is based on a critical re-examination of papyri and parchment fragments containing parts of the orations In Philippum I and In Philippum II of Demosthenes published up till 2002 and on a re-examination of the reliable Byzantine codices in the light of contemporary research.

    An Ostracon from the Spurlock Collection
    Richard G. Warga (Louisiana State University)
    Citation Information. Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete. Volume 55, Issue 1, Pages 54–55, ISSN (Online) 1867-1551, ISSN (Print) 0066-6459, DOI: 10.1515/APF.2009.54, /September/2009

    Publication of a Greek ostracon, probably from Abydos, containing a payment and a year written in Greek.

    Receipt for a Gratuity to a Cancellarius
    Amin Benaissa (Oxford)
    Citation Information. Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete. Volume 55, Issue 1, Pages 56–62, ISSN (Online) 1867-1551, ISSN (Print) 0066-6459, DOI: 10.1515/APF.2009.56, /September/2009

    Publication of a sixth-century papyrus from the Bodleian Library in which a cancellarius named Flavius Panodorus acknowledges the receipt of two solidi less six carats as a gratuity (сυνθεια) to his office. The papyrus belongs to the first lot of papyri acquired by the Bodleian Library from B. P. Grenfell in 1894; a list and concordance of the papyri constituting this lot is given in an appendix.

    Vino alla calamintha in PUG I 7?
    Giovanna Menci (Firenze)
    Citation Information. Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete. Volume 55, Issue 1, Pages 63–67, ISSN (Online) 1867-1551, ISSN (Print) 0066-6459, DOI: 10.1515/APF.2009.63, /September/2009

    The sequence of letters καλαμαντιτηc in a short text written on a small sheet of papyrus, PUG I 7 (V/VIp), has created difficulties of interpretation. The solution of this puzzle could be that the letters should not be divided into words, but constitute a single word, incorrectly written, i.e. καλαμινθτηc, a term used by Dioscorides in De mat. med. (5.52) to mean a kind of medicinal wine, flavoured with Calamintha nepeta.

    Theophoric Personal Names in Graeco-Roman Egypt. The Case of Sarapis
    Willy Clarysse (Leuven)
    Mario C. D. Paganini (Oxford)
    Citation Information. Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete. Volume 55, Issue 1, Pages 68–89, ISSN (Online) 1867-1551, ISSN (Print) 0066-6459, DOI: 10.1515/APF.2009.68, /September/2009

    The present study, with its concentration on the diffusion of Sarapis names, is intended to demonstrate how onomastic data, collected in computerised databases, can be useful in different ways. It took a long time before parents were prepared to give children Sarapis names, and the majority (85%) were derivations (e.g. Sarapion, Sarapias) rather than full theophoric names (e.g Sarapadoros, Sarapammon), which occur only in Roman times. Some names like Sarapous and Sarapas are geographically limited, and a local martyr cult preseves the popularity of Sarapion and Sarapammon into the Christian period in Middle Egypt. The refinement of the statistical method may lead to wider and different questions.

    Prosopographica II
    Nikolaos Gonis (London)
    Citation Information. Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete. Volume 55, Issue 1, Pages 90–95, ISSN (Online) 1867-1551, ISSN (Print) 0066-6459, DOI: 10.1515/APF.2009.90, /September/2009

    A sequel to a series of notes on high-ranking persons who flourished in Late Antique Egypt (the first instalment appeared in APF 51/1 (2005) 87–94). This series refers to the alleged Oxyrhynchite dossier of Fl. Flavianus; the identity of the person who gave his name to the ‘oikos of Theon’; a new attestation for Fl. Strategius II, masqueraded under a misreading; the problem of the Hermopolite comes or comites named Demetrios; and a ghost-dux.

    Appunti per una riedizione dei frammenti del Palinsesto Virgiliano dell'Ambrosiana
    Maria Chiara Scappaticcio (Napoli)
    Citation Information. Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete. Volume 55, Issue 1, Pages 96–120, ISSN (Online) 1867-1551, ISSN (Print) 0066-6459, DOI: 10.1515/APF.2009.96, /September/2009

    Personal inspection of the extant fragments of the Latin-Greek Vergilian palimpsest (L 120 sup) allows new considerations concerning the text of the Aeneid and the way in which it was read and performed. The text here presented includes all the signs and accents that previous editors have ignored.

    Das Papyrus-Portal
    Stefan Freitag, Marius Gerhardt, Jens Kupferschmidt, Reinhold Scholl (Leipzig)
    Kontakt: Prof. Dr. R. Scholl, Universität Leipzig, Universitätsbibliothek, Beethovenstrasse 6, 04107 Leipzig. Mail: , Tel.: +49 (0)341 97 30581, Internetadresse:
    Citation Information. Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete. Volume 55, Issue 1, Pages 121–134, ISSN (Online) 1867-1551, ISSN (Print) 0066-6459, DOI: 10.1515/APF.2009.121, /September/2009

    The ‘Papyrus Portal’ is a project that aims to provide the user with an efficient and effective search of all digitized and electronically catalogued papyrus collections in Germany, and a unified presentation of the search results with the most important information on the particular papyrus. This includes links to the local home databases which have more details on each piece. The ‘Papyrus Portal’ unites the different information technologies of the original databases and presents the search results in a standard format. A conventiontional format for the recording of the metadata has been established.


    Graeco-Roman Fayum – Texts and Archaeology. Proceedings of the Third International Fayum Symposium, Freudenstadt, May 29 – June 1, 2007. Ed. by Sandra Lippert and Maren Schentuleit. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz 2008
    Günter Poethke (Berlin)
    Citation Information. Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete. Volume 55, Issue 1, Pages 135–137, ISSN (Online) 1867-1551, ISSN (Print) 0066-6459, DOI: 10.1515/APF.2009.135, /September/2009

    Diccionario Griego – Español. Vol. I. Segunda edición, revisada y aumentada (DGE I2): – λλ. Redactado bajo la dirección de F.R. Adrados por los miembros del CSIC J.A. Berenguer en colaboración con Doctores y Licenciados y Profesores en Universidades e Institutos y becarios del CSIC. Madrid: Instituto de Filología. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas 2008
    Günter Poethke (Berlin)
    Citation Information. Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete. Volume 55, Issue 1, Page 138, ISSN (Online) 1867-1551, ISSN (Print) 0066-6459, DOI: 10.1515/APF.2009.138, /September/2009

    Pistoi dia tèn technèn. Bankers, Loans and Archives in the Ancient World. Studies in Honour of Raymond Bogaert, ed. by K. Verboven, K. Vandorpe and V. Chankowski (Studia Hellenistica 44). Leuven: Peeters 2008
    Günter Poethke (Berlin)
    Citation Information. Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete. Volume 55, Issue 1, Pages 138–140, ISSN (Online) 1867-1551, ISSN (Print) 0066-6459, DOI: 10.1515/APF.2009.138a, /September/2009

    Selbstdarstellung und Kommunikation. Die Veröffentlichung staatlicher Urkunden auf Stein und Bronze in der Römischen Welt. Internationales Kolloquium für Alte Geschichte und Epigraphik in München (1. bis 3. Juli 2006), hrsg. von Rudolf Haensch (Vestigia 61). München: Beck 2009
    Günter Poethke (Berlin)
    Citation Information. Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete. Volume 55, Issue 1, Pages 140–144, ISSN (Online) 1867-1551, ISSN (Print) 0066-6459, DOI: 10.1515/APF.2009.140, /September/2009

    Jean-Luc Fournet, Alexandrie: une communauté linguistique? ou la question du grec alexandrin (Études alexandrines, 17). Le Caire: IFAO 2009
    Johannes Kramer (Trier)
    Citation Information. Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete. Volume 55, Issue 1, Pages 144–148, ISSN (Online) 1867-1551, ISSN (Print) 0066-6459, DOI: 10.1515/APF.2009.144, /September/2009

    Urkundenreferat 2007 (2. Teil)
    Fritz Mitthof (Wien)
    Citation Information. Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete. Volume 55, Issue 1, Pages 149–170, ISSN (Online) 1867-1551, ISSN (Print) 0066-6459, DOI: 10.1515/APF.2009.149, /September/2009

    Demotica Selecta 2007
    Maren Schentuleit (Heidelberg)
    Citation Information. Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete. Volume 55, Issue 1, Pages 171–176, ISSN (Online) 1867-1551, ISSN (Print) 0066-6459, DOI: 10.1515/APF.2009.171, /September/2009

    Mitteilung der Redaktion — Editors's note — Avis de la rédaction — Annuncio della redazione
    Citation Information. Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete. Volume 55, Issue 1, Pages 177–180, ISSN (Online) 1867-1551, ISSN (Print) 0066-6459, DOI: 10.1515/APF.2009.177, /September/2009

    Chronique d'égypte XXIV (2009)

    XXXIV (2009) - FASC. 167-168

    Association Égyptologique Reine Élisabeth - Egyptologisch Genootschap Koningin Elisabeth ... 3-4


    Études - Artikelen
    V. I. Chrysikopoulos - J.-Cl. Goyon, Un témoin inédit des oeuvres pieuses de l'empereur Tibère à Létopolis de Basse-Égypte ... 122-135

    Rolf Krauss, "Nofretete, die holde Frau, ist nicht mehr" ... 99-113

    Véronique Laurent, À la recherche du Harpon de l'Est ... 20-49

    Ana Isabel Navajas, Bos primigenius / Loxodonta Africana. Iconographie et symbolisme au travers de la céramique White Cross-lined ... 50-87

    Frédéric Payraudeau, Fin de partie pour une famille de grands commis de l'État (Statuette Caire JE 37025) ... 114-135

    Helmut Satzinger - Danijela Stefanovic, The Stela of Horemhat at Turin ... 88-98

    Cathie Spieser, Avaleuses et dévoreuses: des déesses aux démones en Égypte ancienne ... 5-19

    Chronique - Kroniek
    A. Shisha-Halevy, On Typology, Syntax and Aspect in Egyptian: a Question of Method ... 136-152

    Livres - Recensies ... 153-200


    Études - Artikelen
    Martin Fink, "Nackte Göttin" und Anasyroméne. Zwei Motive - eine Deutung? (2. Teil) ... 335-347

    Jean Lenaerts, La souris et la belette d'après le P. Vindob. G 29813 + 29814 ... 239-246

    Angiolo Menchetti - Rosario Pintaudi, Ostraka greci e bilingui da Narmuthis (II) ... 201-238

    Georges Nachtergael (†), En marge des ostraca de la Bibliothèque Bodléenne. Lettres de John G. Tait à Paul M. Meyer et de Harold I. Bell à Claire Préaux ... 278-309

    Amphilochios Papathomas, Korrekturvorschläge zu zwanzig Wiener Papyrusbriefen aus Sammelbuch VI ... 247-270

    Klaus Parlasca, Antinoos Heros ... 348-356

    Pierre Schneider, De l'Hydaspe à Raphia: rois, éléphants et propagande d'Alexandre le Grand à Ptolémée IV ... 310-334

    J. David Thomas, P. Bingen 103 Reconsidered ... 271-277
    Papyrus littéraires et documents - Literaire papyri en dokumenten ... 357-365

    Livres - Recensies ... 366-390


    Étude - Artikel
    Naïm Vanthieghem, La Sentence 607 de Ménandre: un écho dans l'Historia Monachorum ... 391-393

    Livres - Recensies ... 394-396

    Table des matières - Inhoudsopgave ... 397-400

    Tyche 23 (2008)


    Victor Cojocaru (Iahi): Zum Verhältnis zwischen Steppenbevölkerung und griechischen Städten: Das „skythische Protektorat“ als offene Frage... 1 

    Altay Cohkun (Exeter): Galatische Legionäre in Ägypten: Die Konstituierung der legio XXII Deiotariana in der frühen Kaiserzeit ...21 

    Styliani Hatzikosta (Athen): Personal Names in Theocritus: A Form of arte allusiva ... 47 

    Herbert Heftner (Wien): Der Streit um das Kommando im Krieg gegen Mithridates (Diodorus Siculus 37, 2, 12) und die versuchte Konsulatskandidatur des C. Iulius Caesar Strabo ... 79 

    Anne Kolb (Zürich): Das Bauhandwerk in den Städten der römischen Provinzen: Strukturen und Bedeutung ...101 

    Tina Mitterlechner (Wien): Die Entstehung etruskischer Kultfunktionäre im südlichen Etrurien (Tafel 1–3) ...117 

    Federico Morelli  (Wien): SB XXIV 16222: due patrizi e un Liciniano...139 

    Sophia Zoumbaki  (Athen): The Colonists of the Roman East and their Leading Groups: Some Notes on their Entering the Equestrian and Senatorial Ranks in Comparison with the Native Elites ...159 

    Marita Holzner — Ekkehard Weber (Wien): Annona epigraphica Austriaca 2007 .... 181 

    Bemerkungen zu Papyri XXI ( 588–597) ...227 

    Buchbesprechungen ...237 

    Malcolm Choat, Belief and Cult in Fourth-Century Papyri, Turnhout 2006 (H. Förster: 237) 

    Jean-Christophe Couvenhes, Bernard Legr as (Hrsg.), Transferts culturels et politique dans le monde hellénistique. Actes de la table ronde sur les identités collectives (Sorbonne, 7 février 2004), Paris 2006 (A. Cohkun: 239) 

    Kurt Genser, Römische Steindenkmäler aus Carnuntum I, St. Pölten 2005 (I. Weber-Hiden: 243) 

     Linda-Marie Günther (Hrsg.), Herodes und Rom, Stuttgart 2007 (E. Weber: 244) 

    Mogens Herman Hansen, Polis. An Introduction to the Ancient Greek City-State, Oxford 2006 (P. Siewert: 247) 

    Christian Heller, Sic transit gloria mundi. Das Bild von Pompeius Magnus im 
    Bürgerkrieg, St. Katharinen 2006 (J. Losehand: 249) 

     Georg Klingenberg, Juristisch speziell definierte Sklavengruppen 6: Servus fugitivus, in: Johanna Filip-Fröschl, J. Michael Rainer, Alfred Söllner † (Hrsg.), Corpus der römischen Rechtsquellen zur 
    antiken Sklaverei (CRRS). Teil X, Stuttgart 2005 (J. Jungwirth: 251) 

    — Hilmar Klinkott, Der Satrap. Ein achaimenidischer Amtsträger und seine Handlungsspielräume, Frankfurt am Main 2005 (S. Tost: 253) 

    Frauke Lätsch (jetzt Sonnabend), Insularität und Gesellschaft in der Antike. Untersuchungen zur Auswirkung der Insellage auf die Gesellschafts-Inhaltsverzeichnis IV entwicklung, Stuttgart 2005 (P. Sänger: 259) 

    Luigi Loreto, Per la storia militare del mondo antico. Prospettive retrospettive, Napoli 2006 (A. M. Hirt: 261)

    Peter Nadig, Zwischen König und Karikatur. Das Bild Ptolemaios’ VIII. im Spannungsfeld der Überlieferung, München 2007 (S. Tost: 265) 

    Pantelis M. Nigdelis, Επιγραφικά Θεσσαλονίκεια Συμβολή στην πολιτιή και κοινωνική ιστορία της αρχαίας Θεσσαλονικής, Thessaloniki 2006 (M. Ricl: 273) 

    Jonathan Powell, Jeremy Paterson (Hrsg.), Cicero the Advocate, Oxford: 2004, Paperback 2006 (K.Harter-Uibopuu: 275)

    Strabon, Geographika. Bd. 5, hrsg. von Stefan Radt, Göttingen 2006 (M. Rathmann: 278)

    Michael Rathmann (Hrsg.), Wahrnehmung und Erfahrung geographischer Räume in der Antike, Mainz 2007 (E. Weber: 280) 

     Leonhard Schumacher, Stellung des Sklaven im Sakralrecht, in: Tiziana J. Chi usi, Johanna Filip-Fröschl, J. Michael Rainer (Hrsg.), Corpus der römischen Rechtsquellen zur antiken Sklaverei (CRRS). Teil VI, Stuttgart 2006 (P. Scheibelreiter: 282) 

     Stephan Schuster, Das Seedarlehen in den Gerichtsreden des Demosthenes. Mit einem Ausblick auf die weitere historische Entwicklung des Rechtsinstituts: dáneion nautikón, fenus nauticum und Bodmerei, Berlin 2005 (H.-A. Rupprecht: 285) 

    Stefan Sommer, Rom und die Vereinigungen im südwestlichen Kleinasien (133 v. Chr. – 
    284 n. Chr.), Hennef 2006 (K. Harter-Uibopuu: 291) 

     Klaus Tausend, Verkehrswege der Argolis. Rekonstruktion und historische Bedeutung, Stuttgart 2006 (I. Weber-Hiden: 292) 
    Eingelangte Bücher.............................................. 
    Tafeln 1–3