Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Best and Worst of the Year Awards

New Mexicans for Science and Reason have just announced their Best and Worst of the Year Awards for 2006. Two of the awards in the "worst" category were no-brainers.
The "New Word: Pignorant" Award goes to Jonathan Wells, whose new book "The Politically Incorrect Guide to Darwinism and Intelligent Design" contained so many egregious falsehoods that the scientific critics decided to shorten the phrase "Pig Ignorant" to simply "PIGNORANT" in order to cope (Sept.).
The "Last Nail in The Coffin of ID" Award goes to William Dembski, who absolutely destroyed any remaining credibility Intelligent Design may have had, when he responded to Judge John E. Jones' powerful ruling of December 2005, not by defending ID in science journals, nor in courts of law, but by parodying the judge's decision with an Internet video that featured animated farting sounds. The Awards Committee had the most trouble with this award, as several members wanted to name it the "Not So Noble Gas" Award. However, all members were agreed that Dembski edged out Wells and Coulter, and did the most damage to ID this year. (Dec.)
[Hat Tip: John Pieret of Thoughts in a Haystack]

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