Sixty-Five Papyrological Texts
Presented to Klaas A. Worp on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday
Edited by F.A.J. Hoogendijk and B.P. Muhs
P.Lugd-Bat 33.
Series: Papyrologica Lugduno-Batava, 33
ISBN-13 (i): 978 90 04 16688 2
ISSN: 0169-9652
Cover: Hardback
Number of pages: xl, 418 pp.
List price: € 149.00 / US$ 238.00
This volume contains editions of sixty-five Greek, Demotic, Coptic and Arabic texts from Egypt, contributed as a token of friendship and respect by forty-six of Klaas Worp’s colleagues and co-authors upon his retirement from the Papyrological Institute of the University of Leiden in August 2008. The contents are as diverse as Klaas Worp’s own wide range of interests, and provide a vivid impression of life and culture in Graeco-Roman Egypt. The texts are written on papyrus, potsherds, parchment, paper and wood. They include both literary and documentary papyri and ostraca, and date from the third century BC to the eleventh century AD. They are published fully, most for the first time, with transcriptions and translations, and are accompanied by photographs.
Preface . . . v
Contents . . . vii
Table of Texts . . . ix
Acknowledgement of Plates. . . xi
Bibliography of Klaas A. Worp . . . xiii
Abbreviated Literature . . . xxxv
Editorial Notation . . . xl
C. GALLAZI, Plato, Epistulae VIII 356A, 6-8 (1) . . . 1
A. NODAR DOMÍNQUEZ — S. TORALLAS TOVAR, Demosthenes, Oratio 21, 62 (2) . . . 5
G. BASTIANINI, Apollonio Rodio II 589-601 (3) . . . 9
A. MARTIN, Hérodote I 178, 2-3 (4) . . . 13
I. GARDNER, A Codex Leaf from a Short Recension (Rec. D) of the Liber Bartholomaei (LB) (5) . . . 19
J. GASCOU, Justice d’Athéna en Égypte romaine (6-8) . . . 29
T. RENNER, A Prose Passage on the God Chnum (9) . . . 41
R. DANIEL, Applied Erotic Magic (10) . . . 47
D. FEISSEL, Deux modèles de cursive latine dans l’ordre alphabétique grec (11) . . . 53
R. J. DEMARÉE — B. MUHS, Grain Accounts from Gebelein in Nijmegen (12) . . . 65
B. KRAMER — D. HAGEDORN, Aus dem Archiv eines Pfandleihers (13-14) . . . 77
H. MELAERTS — C. SAERENS, Action en justice (15) . . . 91
G. MESSERI, Lettera riservata dal mondo delle miniere (16) . . . 103
P. HEILPORN, Un contrat thébain (17) . . . 111
R.P. SALOMONS, Agreement about a Dowry (18) . . . 119
J. D. THOMAS, Report on the ἐπίσκεψις of Land (19) . . . 131
M.J. BAKKER — A.V. BAKKERS, Lease of a House with Workshops (20) . . . 139
F. MORELLI, Verkauf einer Sklavin (21) . . . 151
B. NIELSEN, Register (22) . . .161
J.H.M. DE JONG, A Date Formula with a Flaw (23) . . . 171
M.S. FUNGHI, Lettera d’affari (2. . . 173
H. HARRAUER, Hyperechios und seine Familie (25) . . . 181
N. GONIS, πολιτευόμενοι and βουλευταί again (26) . . . 195
J.H.F. DIJKSTRA, A Bilingual Report of Proceedings with the First Consular Dating to 433 C.E. in the Papyri (27) . . . 203
R. PINTAUDI, Un cheirographon non del tutto chairo (28) . . . 217
B. PALME, Flavius Callinicus Iuvinianus (33-34) . . . 231
J.-L. FOURNET, P. Stras. V 318 complété: la grande philoponia d’Héracléopolis et les protocols en cursive inclinée . . . 243
A. PAPATHOMAS, Petition an den byzantinischen Kaiser (36) . . . 255
F. MITTHOF, Pacht von Getreideland und Neupflanzung von Wein (37) . . . 265
F.A.J. HOOGENDIJK, Twelve Greek Ostraca from Elephantine (38-49) . . . 279
A. BÜLOW-JACOBSEN, An Ostracon from the Quarry at Umm Balad (50) . . . 311
H. CUVIGNY, Recueil de cas d’irrégularités dans la transmission du courrier officiel (51) . . . 317
A. VERHOOGT, Letter about a Pig (52) . . . 325
R.S. BAGNALL — R. CRIBIORE — J.G. KEENAN, Ostraka from the Collection of Naphtali Lewis (53-60) . . . 329
T.M. HICKEY, A Late Antique Miscellany (61-62) . . . 343
H. FÖRSTER, Zahlungsanweisung zugunsten von Jannia (63) . . . 351
J. VAN DER VLIET, A Monk in the Metropolis (64) . . . 361
P.M. SIJPESTEIJN, A Seventh/Eighth-century List of Companions from Fusṭāṭ (65) . . . 369
Indexes . . . 379
Index of Greek Words . . . 381
Index of Demotic Words . . . 408
Index of Coptic Words . . . 410
Index of Arabic Words . . . 413
Corrections to Published Texts . . . 415
Thanks to Brian Muhs for the Table of Contents
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