A recent study by Greenberger et al. (2008) looked at student's sense of entitlement in order to see where it comes from. Here's the abstract ...
Abstract Anecdotal evidence suggests an increase in entitled attitudes and behaviors of youth in school and college settings. Using a newly developed scale to assess ‘‘academic entitlement’’ (AE), a construct that includesexpectations of high grades for modest effort and demanding attitudes towards teachers, this research is the first to investigate the phenomenon systematically. In two separate samples of ethnically diverse college students comprised largely of East and Southeast Asian American, followed by Caucasians, Latinos, and other groups (total N = 839, age range 18–25 years), we examined the personality, parenting, and motivational correlates of AE. AE was most strongly related to exploitive attitudes towards others and moderately related to an overall sense of entitlement and to narcissism. Students who reported more academically entitled attitudes perceived their parents as exerting achievement pressure marked by social comparison with other youth and materially rewarding good grades, scored higher than their peers in achievement anxiety and extrinsic motivation, and engaged in more academic dishonesty. AE was not significantly associated with GPA.I don't put a lot of credence in these studies but I thought it was interesting that the problem was at least being investigated. The survey results, below, are interesting.

[Hat Tip: Musings of the Mad Biologist]
Greenberger, E., Lessard, J., Chen, C. and Farruggia, S.P. (2008) Self-Entitled College Students: Contributions of Personality, Parenting, and Motivational Factors. Journal of Youth and Adolescence 37:1193-1204 [Springerlink]
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