Here's how I replied on March 26m 2002 on the newsgroup talk.origins. It was at least the tenth time I had addressed this silly comment by Maynard Smith.
I've also noted on several occasions that just because Maynard Smith can't understand the complications of modern evolutionary theory doesn't mean that his simplistic version is correct.This is not a universally held view. LAM is no doubt familiar with John Maynard Smith's famous remarks about Gould:Either that, or he was very embarrassed by his inappropriate remarks and hopes that most people will forget about them. I wonder what Maynard Smith thinks of all those idiots in the AAAS who elected Gould President of the largest scientific society in the world? What in the world could Maynard Smith have been thinking when he invited Gould to Oxford to give a prestigious series of lectures on evolutionary theory?As an aside, isn't that beautifully written?
"Gould occupies a rather curious position, particularly on his side of the Atlantic. Because of the excellence of his essays, he has come to be seen by non-biologists as the preeminent evolutionary theorist. In contrast, the evolutionary biologists with whom I have discussed his work tend to see him as a man whose ideas are so confused as to be hardly worth bothering with, but as one who should not be publicly criticized because he is at least on our side against the creationists. All this would not matter, were it not that he is giving non-biologists a largely false picture of the state of evolutionary theory."Genes, Memes, & Minds JOHN MAYNARD SMITH November 30, 1995, New York Review of Books (the essay was a review of "Darwin's Dangerous Idea: Evolution and the Meanings of Life" by Daniel C. Dennett).He probably thought he had better things to do.
Unfortuantely JMS drops the issue at that point and has, so far as I know, never taken it up again.For those interested in the background to all this, I can do little better than suggest reading Segerstråle's book "Defenders of the Faith", where she discusses the history of all this, the arguments between people like Lewontin, E.O. Wilson, Gould, Dawkins, etc. JMS comes out of it well - he was sat in the middle trying to makes sense of both sides.Do you really think that Maynard Smith's remarks quoted above represent someone who's trying to make sense of Gould's side? Maynard Smith is firmly on the side of Dawkins in this debate. Like Dawkins, he has never given any indication that he understands the main issues. When Maynard Smith says that Gould is presenting a "largely false picture of the state of evolutionary theory" you should appreciate that what Maynard Smith is really saying is that Gould presents a picture that Maynard Smith disagrees with. Only Maynard Smith and his friends know about the *true* picture of evolutionary theory.
Gould is not nearly as arrogant as his opponents.
In addition I've pointed out that Gould is often referenced in evolution textbooks for his contributions to pluralism, heterochrony, punctuated equilibria, progression, disparity, the tape of life, species selection, and spandrels. You have to look hard to find references to Maynard Smith.
To me that suggests that Maynard Smith is a man hardly worth bothering with.
[Image Credit: Photograph of Stephen Jay Gould by Kathy Chapman from Lara Shirvinski at the Art Science Research Laboratory, New York (Wikipedia)]
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